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Day in the Life

Dec 2, 1857

Journal Entry

December 02, 1857 ~ Wednesday

2nd The troops began to arive early this morning from
the Mountains Having been dismissed by Gen Wells. Maj Snow
command of Horse arived at 7 oclok a part of Col Ross
command arived at 4 oc[lo]ck PM. & Maj Rowberrys command
arived at 6 oclok & they continued to pour into the city till


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Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
773 mentions


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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 3
On the early in the morning the troops began to arrive having been dismissed by General Wells and they continued to pour into the city until a late hour of the day. Brother Southworth who had been a prisoner related to me his capture &c. He said among the rest that when he came up with Howard Livingston the principal merchant of G. S. L. City he asked him to intercede with Johnston to let him go asto his family as they had nothing against him only that he was a Mormon but Livingston would do nothing for him. He reported that there was much of the spirit of desertion in the camp and that the officers treated their soldiers in a cruel manner and that many would desert if they could. He said that the greatest amount of any one article in the camp was ardent spirits He thought there were 100 waggon loads of it. Howard Livingston


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Dec 2, 1857