Sept 221, 22 I spent the time labouring On the 22nd I attended
the Universal scientific society in the evening
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I Attended was quite unwell & not able to
attend meeting Elder G. A. Smith preached a vary interesting
discourse upon the History of the rise & progress of Mahomit-
anism & was followed by P. P. Pratt both published in
the Deseret News of Oct 10th 1855
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
24 25 & 26 I spent the time labouring with my hands
~ Thursday
27th The Horturculteral society again met at the social Hall speeches were made about three bushels of
choise peaches were distributed to the assembly about 20
new signers obtained to the signosiety
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
28, 29 I spent the time labouring
~ Sunday
30th Sunday I attended meeting at the bowary & prayer
meeting in the evening
~ Monday to ~ Friday
Oct 1st 2, 3, 4, & 5 I spent the week gathering potatoes &
other crops
~ Saturday to ~ Monday
^^ Oct 6th 1855 Saturday A General Conference of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met at
the bowery at 10 oclok this morning which Held three
days Ended monday night Oct 8th There were prese[n]t
during this conference all the First Presidency & P. P. Pratt O. Pratt W. Woodruff G A. SmithE. T. Benson, L. Snow
& Erastus Snow of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
& the other Authorities of the Church & about ten
thousand of the Saints all the procedings of this confer[ence]
is published in the Deseret News of October 10th 1855
so I deem it unnecessary to publish it in this Journal
At hthis conference E. T. Benson & Erastus ^Lorenzo^ Snow were
appointed missions to England & P. P. Pratt O. Pratt
& W Woodruff of the Twelve were appointed Home missions
with many others in Utah Territory.
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
9th, 10, 11, & 12, 13 this week was spent getting up
corn & potatoes. I attended the Universal Scientifi[c]
society meeting on saturday Evening & herd a lecture
Delivered by P. P. Pratt on the Art of plenty followed by
President Young.
~ Sunday
14th Sunday I attended meeting at the bowary & herd
addresses from Wm Pitt Br C[l]ark & Erastus Snow
I attended prayer meeting at a circle & herd President Young Prophesy that the Lamanites would not conqur ther Enemies nor get much Advantage over
them in ther battles but they would continue to be destroy
& distressed untill they sought unto the Lord & his servants for
assistance & Embraced the Gospel & became a righteous people
then they will begin to prosper & not before
Sept 21, 22 I spent the time labouring. On the 22nd I attended
the Universal scientific society in the evening
23rd Sunday I was quite unwell & not able to
attend meeting. Elder G. A. Smith preached a vary interesting
discourse upon the History of the rise & progress of Mahomitanism & was followed by P. P. Pratt both published in
the Deseret News of Oct 10th 1855
24 25 & 26 I spent the time labouring with my hands
27th The Horturculteral society again met at the
social Hall speaches were made about three bushels of
choise peaches were distributed to the assembly about 20
new signers obtained to the sosiety
28, 29 I spent the time labouring
30th Sunday I attended meeting at the bowary & prayer
meeting in the evening
Oct 1st 2, 3, 4, & 5 I spent the week gathering potatoes &
other crops
[FIGURE] Oct 6th 1855 Saturday A General Conference of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met at
the bowery at 10 oclok this morning which Held three
days Ended monday night Oct 8th. There were present
during this conference all the First Presidency & P. P. PrattO. Pratt W. Woodruff G. A. SmithE. T. Benson, L. Snow
& Erastus Snow of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
& the other Authorities of the Church & about tenthousand of the saints all the procedings of this Conference
is Published in the Deseret News of October 10th 1855
so I deem it unnecessary to publish it in this Journal
At this conference E. T. Benson & Lorenzo Snow were
appointed missions to England & P. P. Pratt O. Pratt
& W Woodruff of the Twelve were appointed Home missions
with many others in Utah Territory.
9th, 10, 11, &, 12, 13 this week was spent getting up
corn & potatoes. I attended the Universal Scientific
society meeting on saturday Evening & herd a lecture
Delivered by P. P. Pratt on the Art of plenty followed by
President Young.
14th Sunday I attended meeting at the bowary & herd
addresses from Wm Pitt Br Clark & Erastus Snow
I attended prayer meeting at a Circle & herd President
Young Prophesy that the Lamanites would not conqur
FIGURES ther Enemies nor get much Advantage over
them in ther battles but they would continue to be destroyed
& distressed untill they sought unto the Lord & his servants for
assistance & Embraced the Gospel & became a righteous people
then they will begin to prosper & not before
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," September 21, 1855 - October 14, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,