16th I went to President Youngs mill & got 30 bushels of wheat
~ Wednesday
17 I boiled up some 10 bushels of beets & gotmade about
9 gallons of good molasses
~ Thursday
18th I spent the day at home I paid Joseph Horn my 14 ward school House tax $60.80 & got his receipt
for the same. The Indians are beginning to again be
Hostile they have shot at the Elk mountain mission 3 of
the brethren viz Wiseman HuntWm Behunin & Edward Edwards
& broke up the mission also are makeing disturbance at Green
river mission
~ Friday
19th In company with Elder T. Kington I rode to Farmington Davis County to attend a quarterly conference
to commence on the 20th inst I spent the night at Brother Steeds Distance of the day 16 mils
After retireing to bed I prayed to the Lord to show me what we
should teach the People and I received for answer Let my servants obtain the Holy Ghost & keep my spirit with them
& that will instruct them what to teach the people continually
& instruct the people to keep my spirit with them & they
will be enabled to understand the [ink blot] word of the Lord when it is
taught them
~ Saturday
Oct 20 Saturday morning at 10 oclock the people assembled
& there were present of the Twelve P P PrattO Pratt &
W. Woodruff Also L. D. YoungGilbert ClementsT D
Brow & John^Richard^ Cook of the missionaries. The Quarter
Conference was opened by Prayer by O. Pratt After
Singing P. P. Pratt Addressed the People for 2 1/2 hours
Evry missionary present had a cold sore throat & was
hoarse it had came on during the last 24 hours it was a
complaint that was quite universel among men women
& children many hundreds were Attacked in the same
way there was no change in the weather nor any thing
in the outward appearance of the Elements to cause it. Elder Pratt
was quite unwell He said He did not intend to preach this fornoon
but He had got to Preach or go to bed. He spoke in a vary interesting
manner for 2 1/2 hours upon the subject of the birth Life Deat[h]
& resurrection of Jesus Christ He took for his text the 10 & 11
verses of the 2nd chapter of St Luke "And the Angel said unto them
fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great Joy which shall
be unto all people for unto you is born this day in the city of David
Oct 15th Monday night P. P. Pratt W. Woodruff G. A. Smith
& Erastus Snow of the Twelve & others met at the House of
P. P. Pratts to organize the Territory of Utah into missionary
districts & appoints missionaries to the various fields
of Labour the following is the division of the Territory
in 6 districts Utah Co 1: JuabSanpete, & Millard Counties
Ut 2nd. Iron & Washington Co 3. Davis Co 4. Webber Co 5.
Salt Lake & Tooele Co. the 6th District & Missionaries appointed
to Each district. all the procedings are published in the
Deseret News of Oct 17th vol 5 No 32.
16th I went to President Youngs mill & got 30 bushels of wheat
17 I boiled up some 10 bushels of beets &made about
9 gallons of good molasses
18th I spent the day at home I paid Joseph Horn my
14 ward school House tax $60.80 & got his receipt
for the same. The Indians are beginning to again be
Hostile they have shot at the Elk mountain mission 3 of
the brethren viz Wiseman HuntWm Behunin & Edward Edwards
& broke up the mission also are makeing disturbance at Green
river mission
19th In company with Elder T. Kington I rode to
Farmington Davis County to attend a quarterly conference
to commence on the 20th inst. I spent the night at Brother
Steeds. Distance of the day 16 mils
After retireing to bed I prayed to the Lord to show me what we
should teach the People and I received for answer Let my
servants obtain the Holy Ghost & keep my spirit with them
& that will instruct them what to teach the people continually
& instruct the people to keep my spirit with them & they
will be enabled to understand the word of the Lord when it is
taught them
Oct 20 Saturday morning at 10 oclock the people assembled
& there were present of the Twelve P P PrattO Pratt &
W. Woodruff Also L. D. YoungGilbert ClementsT D
Brow & John Cook of the missionaries. The Quarter
Conference was opened by Prayer by O. Pratt. After
Singing P. P. Pratt Addressed the People for 2 1/2 hours
Evry missionary present had a cold sore throat & was
hoarse it had came on during the last 24 hours it was a
complaint that was quite universal among men women
& children many hundreds were Attacked in the same
way there was no change in the weather nor any thing
in the outward appearance of the Elements to cause it. Elder Pratt
was quite unwell He said He did not intend to Preach this fornoon
but He had got to Preach or go to bed. He spoke in a vary interesting
manner for 2 1/2 hours upon the subject of the birth Life Death
& resurrection of Jesus Christ. He took for his text the 10 & 11
verses of the 2nd chapter of St Luke "And the Angel said unto them
fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great Joy which shall
be unto all people for unto you is born this day in the City of David
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 15, 1855 - October 20, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/4Mg