4th I spent the fore part of the Day obtaineding grafts & puting in to my offi orchard Br Nebeker put them for me he put in 90 buds most
of them were choice fruit from the states the remainder of the
day was spent in the office. we learned soon after ariving at the
office that one of our clerks viz that Jonathan Grimshaw was
about to leave us for England could not stand the hard times &
did not know whether Mormonism was true or not so he is going
home but he has taken a vary honorable course in all his business
& deal[ings] I learned from the New York Herald of June 24th 1856 that James J Strang was shot by 2 men who had been
his own party one ball lodged in the Head went in near the
nose & the other in the spine of the back. Also during the Evening
there was a row in our street & one of the surveyors a pole
was nearly killed
5th I spent the day in the office except 1 hour in President Youngs office He was about home. I put into my orchard one tree of buds of
president Youngs Yellow Peach
6th I put ^into my trees^ about 50 buds of Carringtons large Early white & late
white preserve peach I spent the day in the office President Young
was with us 3 1/4 hours in hearing history read he asked if there had
been any note made of his meeting in Nauvoo at Josephs house at the time Hiram had preached the Book of Mormon & Doctrins & Covenants as
the standard, while I took the ground that therey were of no account
to us without a living prophet & revelation I told him we would examine
& see
7th I was quite sick through the night & day with the bilious coholic
I spent the day in the office reading History. President Young rode out
some during the day President. Kimball called in the office & spent a
short time with us. He said he told Brother G. A Smith to give me credidt
in the history what he prints in the History. He wished the history to be
continued as the history of Brigham Young & they would show the
history of those that were with them
8th I spent the day in the office reading History & looking over
congregressanal reports I made an Index of part 1, & 2, &c 3
of Messages & Documents & of Financial reports concerning Utah & put it in the front of each book for a refference. President B. Young went to big Cottonwood canyoun. Heber C. Cimball was
at home laying on Joist in his new building. In company with Thomas Bullock I laid hands upon upon Sister Agathy Pratt while
in labour I promised her that all should be well with her & her
child she had a Daughter in 15 minutes after
9th I arived at the office at 10 oclok. President Young was there we spent
the fore part of the day reading History a good deal of it was taken
from My Journals. President Young said I knew while in England by revelation that
as we now are God w^o^ncewonce has been and as he is we shall be if faithful
10th Sunday I attended at the tabernacle morning & afternoon prayer circle
at 4 oclok. 14th ward Meeting at 6 oclock I spoke upon Home manufacture
& carriying out the council of the presidency. Gilbert Clements preached in
the morning upon Home Manufacturing, followed by President Young
Br F Kesler spoke in the afternoon followed By J. M. Grant & H. C. Kimball
we had a spirited Meeting through the day. A company of men
4th I spent the fore part of the Day obtaining grafts & puting in to my
orchard Br Nebeker put them in for me he put in 90 buds most
of them were choice fruit from the states the remainder of the
day was spent in the office. we learned soon after ariving at the
office that one of our clerks viz that Jonathan Grimshaw was
about to leave us for England could not stand the hard times &
did not know whether Mormonism was true or not so he is going
home but he has taken a vary honorable Course in all his business
& dealings I learned from the New York Herald of June 24th 1856
[FIGURE] that James J Strang was shot by 2 men who had been
his own party one ball lodged in the Head went in near the
nose & the other in the spine of the back. Also during the Evening
there was a row in our street & one of the surveyors a pole
was nearly killed
5th I spent the day in the office except 1 hour in President Youngs
office He was about home. I put into my orchard one tree of buds of
president Youngs Yellow Peach
6th I put into my trees about 50 buds of Carringtons large Early white & late
white preserve peach I spent the day in the office President Young
was with us 3 1/4 hours in hearing history read he asked if there had
been any note made of his meeting in Nauvoo at Josephs house at the time
Hiram had preached the Book of Mormon & Doctrins & Covenants as
the standard, while I took the ground that they were of no account
to us without a living prophet & revelation I told him we would examine
& see
7th I was quite sick through the night & day with the bilious Cholic
I spent the day in the office reading History. President Young rode out
some during the day President Kimball called in the office & spent a
short time with us. He said he told Brother G. A Smith to give me credit
in the history what he prints in the History. He wished the history to be
continued as the history of Brigham Young & would show the
history of those that were with them
8th I spent the day in the office reading History & looking over
congressanal Reports I made an Index of part 1, & 2, &c 3
of Messages & Documents & of Financial Reports concerning
Utah & put it in the front of each book for a refference. President
B. Young went to big Cottonwood canyoun. Heber C. Cimball was
at home laying on Joist in his new building. In company with
Thomas Bullock I laid hands upon sister Agathy Pratt while
in labour I promised her that all should be well with her & her
child she had a Daughter in 15 minutes after
9th I arived at the office at 10 oclok. President Young was there we spent
the fore part of the day reading History a good deal of it was taken
from My Journals. President Young said I knew while in England by Revelation that
as we now are God has been and as he is we shall be if faithful
10th Sunday I attended at the tabernacle morning & afternoon prayer Circle
at 4 oclok. 14th ward Meeting at 6 oclock I spoke upon Home manufacture
& carrying out the council of the presidency. Gilbert Clements preached in
the morning upon Home Manufacturing, followed by President Young
Br F Kesler spoke in the afternoon followed By J. M. Grant & H. C. Kimball
we had a spirited Meeting through the day. A Company of men
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," August 4, 1856 - August 10, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 3, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/K4l