the people will learn to do right, & live their religion. I have to war with the
weakness of man, I am incompassed with it, I know what it is to fight it all the
time. If you are going to continue a refermation make up your mind
to live your religion. If the people will do this it will be as Brother Woodruff
says the darkness will pass away & I can live long among this people &
so can brother Kimball & other men But if this people will go on lieing
stealing swearing & whoreing I do not want to live but I want to leave
the people & go to God & let the wicked go to Hell. I hope that God will
send the wicked that will not repent ^go^ down to hell quickly & be burned up
that they may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. [1 Corinthians 5:5] When I first came into
this Church I was an enthusiast & thought I would never keep an account
never put pen to paper nor never say this or that was mine but it is the
Lords we never can be of one heart & one mind untill we can say that all
we have is the Lords & that we are ^ownly^ his servants & stewards to controll it accord[ing]
to his will. When the Lord gives me property He gives me wisdom to use it.
We have individual rights & shall have to all Eternity. what are those rights
If I have any property Horses cattle, waggons or any thing els my neighbor
has no right to stell it from me. and if the people have the spirit of the
Lord they would know that it was not right to take any thing which belonged
to another without liberty but let it remain whare it is. We are accounting
for our time to the Lord now if you have a months leasure time & you gambele
that away & do not bring to pass any good you might just as well throw
away $20, and you are accountable for theis waste of time. I am often
asstonished at the folly of this people many women are asking their
husbands for some new thing they want a dozen new Dresses & many
unnecessary things but does a person want of Doz new Dresses if this
people would ask for those things which are necessary & do right you would
soon see the people get rich. but what are you doing? are you rich No. the
Lord can send the grasshoppers crickets & Locust they are his Armies & can
eat us up and kill our cattle. He can give us much or little as He pleases
If our eyes are single to the glory of God & we do our duty, the Lord
could make us as rich as sCeesar what would do with it aggrandize
yourselves, no you should not, but send out millions of men to gather
the poor & send men with Mules loaded with gold to buy the Nations
but now we are poor & we can comparitively do but little. Now I am here with
Brother Kimball If you wish to ask any question we can answer right but
for me to teach the Bishops there duty it is folly for I have taught them
over & over for years. Now if I was going to a ward meeting to preach
and the bishop was to oppose me unless it was my duty to reprove him I
should sit & laugh at him but not contend with him. But when their is any
difficulty betwen a missionary & Bishop or any two men they should not
contend about it before the people but talk it over among themselves
& settle all diference of opinion in the spirit of God & not labour for
the mastery
President H. C. Kimball followed & said I am one with President Young & so was J. M. Grant. He to[o]k hold of the work to wake up the people
with all his might & it killed him. If President Young was to ask me
to go forth in the safme way I would do it but it would cut short my
life as it did his. I have never felt as though Jedediah was dead
the Saviour said thatose that abide in me will never die his spirit is
with us & he can do more for us now than he could before. The spirit of God
is poured out upon some men mightily. The refermation is doing good
& the people are doing better & those who get the spirit of God will stand
& those who do not will fall. The people are forsaking their sins
people will learn to do right, & live their religion. I have to war with the
weakness of man I am incompassed with it, I know what it is to fight it all the
time. If you are going to continue a refermation make up your mind
to live your religion. If the people will do this it will be as Brother Woodruff
says the darkness will pass away & I can live long among this people &
so can brother Kimball & other men But if this people will go on lieing
stealing swearing & whoring I do not want to live but I want to leave
the people & go to God & let the wicked go to Hell I hope that God will
send the wicked that will not repent go down to hell quickly & be burned up
that they may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. When I first came into
this church I was an Enthusiast & thought I would never keep an account
never put pen to paper nor never say this or that was mine but it is the
Lords we never can be of one heart & one mind untill we can say that all
we have is the Lords & that we are ownly his servants & stewards to controll it according
to his will. When the Lord gives me property He gives me wisdom to use it.
We have individual rights & shall have to all Eternity. what are those rights
If I have any property Horses Cattle waggons or any thing Els my neighbor
has no right to stell it from me. and if the people have the spirit of the
Lord they would know that it was not right to take any thing which belonged
to another without liberty but let it remain whare it is. we are accounting
for our time to the Lord now if you have a months leasure time & you gamble
that away & do not bring to pass any good you might just as well throw
away $20 and you are accountable for this waste of time. I am often
asstonished at the folly of this people many women are asking their
husbands for some new thing they want a dozen new Dresses & many
unnecessary things but does a person want of Doz new Dresses if this
people would ask for those things which are necessary & do right you would
soon see the people get rich. but what are you doing? are you rich No. the
Lord can send the grasshoppers Crickets & Locust they are his Armies & can
Eat us up and kill our Cattle He can give us much or little as He pleases
If our eyes are single to the glory of God & we do our duty the Lord
could make us as rich as Cesar what would do with it aggrandize
yourselves, no you should not, but send out millions of men to gather
the poor & send men with mules loaded with gold to buy the Nations
but now we are poor & we can comparitively do but little. Now I am here with
Brother Kimball If you wish to ask any question we can answer right but
for me to teach the Bishops there duty it is folly for I have taught them
over & over for years. Now if I was going to a ward meeting to preach
and the bishop was to oppose me unless it was my duty to reprove him I
should sit & laugh at him but not contend with him. But when their is any
difficulty between a missionary & Bishop or any two men they should not
contend about it before the people but talk it over among themselves
& settle all diference of opinion in the spirit of God & not labour for
the mastery
President H. C. Kimball followed & said I am one with President
Young & so was J. M. Grant He took hold of the work to wake up the people
with all his might & it killed him. If President Young was to ask me
to go forth in the same way I would do it but it would cut short my
life as it did his. I have never felt as though Jedediah was dead
the saviour said those that abide in me will never die his spirit is
with us & he can do more for us now than he could before. The spirit of God
is poured out upon some men mightily. The refermation is doing good
& the people are doing better & those who get the spirit of God will stand
& those who do not will fall. The people are forsaking their sins
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," December 8, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,