Their are things in Embrio which will try this people & those events will
ripen as theis dPeople do and all will have to get the spirit & revelations of
Heaven in order to stand, & thes things will be among all Nations &
know it as well as I knew it would be a hard winter. I want you
to wake up yourselves & then wake up your wives & children & stop your lying
& stealing & take that Burthen upon your Backs which belong to you then the Presidency & Twelve will ownly carry their own burthens. The time has come
or is near at hand when many that have trifled with the priesthood & the
things of God will be destroyed & go to Hell cross lots & those who are
not faithful in magnifying the priesthood it will be taken from them
& given to others and that quickly and I know it for Angels, Prophets,
& Holy men say it & it will be fulfilled. As to danceing I am tiered of it
I never want to see another man dance untill he can do it by the power of
God. I felt that spirit once & Brother Brigham shouted Hosanna for we was
both filled with the spirit. Neither do I want to see any more feasting
at present. I dont want to see any more Jealous feelings some of
our Bishops get Jealous of the servants of God no man would be if
He was filled with the Holy Ghost. I would chastize a man if He stood in
my way when I know that I am a messenger sent of God. President
Young says if the people do not do right He will not stay long with
them but shall go the other side of the veil if He goes I shall not
stay long behind him because we will not have one between us
and if you dont do your duty we shall go soon. I have had many
men try to stand betwen me & president Young & when I have
been to see him many have snubed me but I have seen enough of
this. And that man that will try to do it He must look out
for God & his angels will smite him. I have no objection to men
coming to President Young to comfort him & do him good & when
he gives them a wife give him $10 or $20 dollars according as He
may value his wife. But men must not try to separate us if they
do they will be cursed. I understood that Brother Woodruff got
a whiping from one of them lately But I tell you that although
He is a small man He is all gold & you will find it so in the end
& you may be thankful to ever get as good a place as He will get
for he is the pure gold & I wish you would get as good as He is
the Bishops will not repeat what the missionaries say for they
are Jealous. But if you will get the spirit of God upon you there
will be no Jealous feelings in your heart. you want the spirit
of God & the power of the priesthood to rest upon you as it did
upon Joseph & does upon the Presidency & Twelve, take that priesthood
upon you which belongs to you & magnify it. The Missionaries
want to wake up then wake up the Bishops & then wake up the
people & all live your religion & all will go well and if you
will live up to your priviliges here & get the spirit of this refermation
it will reach all over the Earth & go to the ends of the Earth & the wicked
will not have power over us but this work will go from Zion through
all the world as the sap of a tree will go from the trunk to the end of evry
limb & twig. I want to see the power of God among this people that
they may have faith to remove mountains if necessary but the power
of God will ownly increase as the spirit of God increases among the people
if we will do orur duty ^&^ if the United [States] should be the aggressers the Lord
would say if they came against us Let my servant Brigham send 200
men & they would lick them up, for God would assist to fight our
Battles with the storm hail & snow, & they would be destroyed. I know
this would be done but we must get the faith of the Ancients
Their are things in Embrio which will try this people & those Events will
ripen as thisPeople do and all will have to get the spirit & Revelations of
Heaven in order to stand, & thes things will be among all Nations &
know it as well as I knew it would be a hard winter. I want you
to wake up yourselves & then wake up your wives & Children & stop your lying
& stealing & take that Burthen upon your Backs which belong to you then the
Presidency & Twelve will ownly carry their own burthens. The time has come
or is near at hand when many that have trifled with the priesthood & the
things of God will be destroyed & go to Hell cross lots & those who are
not faithful in magnifying the priesthood it will be taken from them
& given to others and that quickly and I know it for Angels, Prophets,
& Holy men say it & it will be fulfilled.
As to danceing I am tiered of it
I never want to see another man dance untill he can do it by the power of
God. I felt that spirit once & Brother Brigham shouted Hosanna for we was
both filled with the spirit Neither do I want to see any more feasting
at present. I dont want to see any more Jealous feelings some of
our Bishops get Jealous of the servants of God no man would be if
He was filled with the Holy Ghost. I would chastize a man if He stood in
my way when I knew that I am a messenger sent of God. President
Young says if the people do not do right He will not stay long with
them but shall go the other side of the veil if He goes I shall not
stay long behind him because we will not have one between us
and if you dont do your duty we shall go soon I have had many
men try to stand between me & president Young & when I have
been to see him many have snubed me but I have seen enough of
this. And that man that will try to do it He must look out
for God & his angels will smite him. I have no objection to men
coming to President Young to comfort him & do him good & when
he gives them a wife give him $10 or $20 dollars according as He
may value his wife. But men must not try to separate us if they
do they will be cursed I understood that Brother Woodruff got
a whiping from one of them lately But I tell you that although
He is a small man He is all gold & you will find it so in the end
& you may be thankful to ever get as good a place as He will get
for he is the pure gold & I wish you would get as good as He is
the Bishops will not repeat what the missionaries say for they
are Jealous. But if you will get the spirit of God upon you there
will be no Jealous feelings in your heart. you want the spirit
of God & the power of the priesthood to rest upon you as it did
upon Joseph & does upon the Presidency & Twelve. take that priesthood
upon you which belongs to you & magnify it. The Missionaris
want to wake up then wake up the Bishops & then wake up the
people & all live your religion & all will go well and if you
will live up to your priviliges here & get the spirit of this refermation
it will reach all over the Earth & go to the ends of the Earth & the wicked
will not have power over us but this work will go from Zion through
all the world as the sap of a tree will go from the trunk to the end of evry
limb & twig. I want to see the power of God among this people that
they may have faith to remove mountains if necessary but the power
of God will ownly increase as the spirit of God increases among the people
if we will do our duty & the United States should be the aggressers the Lord
would say if they came against us Let my servant Brigham send 200
men & they would lick them up, for God would assist to fight our
Battles with the storm hail & snow, & they would be destroyed. I know
this would be done but we must get the faith of the Ancients
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," December 8, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,