At 4 oclok in the morning we were saluted with 9 rounds of
cannon & several Bands of music National Flags were hoisted
at President Youngs Gov Cummings, Tithing office, &
several other places J. C. Litltle Marshall of the city, Gen J. J. Ferguson & Staff accompanied by 2 peaces of cannon
& a Band of Music march thrugh various parts of the
city saluted President Young Gov Cummings Atturney Wilson. The Horses ran away withe one canon & injured several
men An assembly met at the court house & red the Constitution
of the United States while doing this Charles Benson son of E. T. Benson rode up [on] Horsback & tryed to ride into the court
House while intoxecated He was stoped by the guard Joseph Taylor Benson drew a self cocking colts revolver
upon Joseph Taylor & came near shooting him Sheriff Burton interfeared & Benson drew his revolver upon
him & came near shooting him. Then the Marshal J. C. Little
took after Benson overtook him on horsback & collered
him & Benson & Benson drew his revolver urpon him
& would have killed him if Brigham Young Jr
had not hurled him from his horse & took the pistol
from him Charles Benson was then confined in the
lock up it is lamentable that young men in our
midst should persue such a course
A meeting of some of the prominent citizens met at
the Historians office to form a Chambers of Commerce to
Benefit our condition speeches were made by W Woodruff D. H. WellsWm H. HooperJohn TaylorS M Blair & A. P. Rockwood. Capt Hooper presented a plan for
organizing a company to engage in merchandize
for the Benefit of the people to Bring goods cheaper
& leave the profits in the Hands of the people & to root
out the Gentile merchants who are sucking our lifes Blood
Bishop Hunter was called to the chair & Richard
Bentley was chosen secretary. A committee was
chosen to wait upon President Young & lay the
plan before him this committee was D. H. Wells
WmhH Hooper & A O Smoot the meeting adjourned
till wednesday evening
~ Tuesday
5th Mr Christopher Hoover son in law of Luther
Scammons of Lamoile Bureau County Ill. called upon
me this morning He had been to pikes peak for gold
said it was a Humbug their was but little gold found
there He judged there was but little gold there & 100000
men had been to those mines for gold & been disapoi-
nted & great distress was among the people & He was on
his way to Calafornia. He camped the first night in Vinson Shirtliff's pasture had 5 good Horses stolen
the first night, had traced them to the little mountain
East I took Mr Hoover through my Garden & prenises
to the Historians office & printing office &c. J. W. Fox called
at the office to day and gave an Account of my land in the field
over Jordon it is Block 16, Lot 11 over 8 acres, west half of Lot
12 over 4 Acres total 12 acres it is 52 rods E & W, 37 1/2 N. & S.
~ Monday
July 4th
At 4 oclok in the morning we were saluted with 9 rounds of
cannon & several Bands of music National Flags were hoisted
at President Youngs Gov Cummings, Tithing office, &
several other places. J. C. Little Marshall of the city, Gen
J. J. Ferguson & Staff accompanied by 2 peaces of cannon
& a Band of Music march through various parts of the
city saluted President Young Gov Cummings Atturney
Wilson. The Horses ran away with one canon & injured several
men An assembly met at the court house & red the Constitution
of the United States while doing this Charles Benson son of
E. T. Benson rode up on Horsback & tryed to ride into the court
House while intoxecated He was stoped by the guard
Joseph Taylor Benson drew a self cocking colts revolver
upon Joseph Taylor & came near shooting him Sheriff
Burton interfeared & Benson drew his revolver upon
him & came near shooting him. Then the Marshal J. C. Little
took after Benson overtook him on horsback & collered
him & Benson & Benson drew his revolver upon him
& would have killed him if Brigham Young Jr
had not hurled him from his horse & took the pistol
from him Charles Benson was then confined in the
lock up it is lamentable that young men in our
midst should persue such a course
A meeting of some of the prominent Citizens met at
the Historians office to form a Chambers of Commerce to
Benefit our condition speeches were made by W Woodruff
D. H. WellsWm H. HooperJohn TaylorS M Blair &
A. P. Rockwood. Capt Hooper presented a plan for
organizing a company to engage in merchandize
for the Benefit of the people to Bring goods cheaper
& leave the profits in the Hands of the people & to root
out the Gentile merchants who are sucking our lifes Blood
Bishop Hunter was called to the chair & Richard
Bentley was chosen secretary. A committee was
chosen to wait upon President Young & lay the
plan before him this committee was D. H. Wells
WmH Hooper & A O Smoot the meeting adjourned
till wednesday evening
~ Tuesday
5th Mr Christopher Hoover son in law of Luther
Scammons of Lamoile Bureau County Ill. called upon
me this morning He had been to pikes peak for gold
said it was a Humbug their was but little gold found
there He judged there was but little gold there & 100000
men had been to those mines for gold & been disapointed & great distress was among the people & He was on
his way to Calafornia. He camped the first night in
Vinson Shirtliff's pasture had 5 good Horses stolen
the first night, had traced them to the little mountain
East I took Mr Hoover through my garden & prenises
to the Historians office & printing office &c. J. W. Fox called
at the office to day and gave an Account of my land in the field
over Jordon it is Block 16, Lot 11, over 8 acres, west half of Lot
12, over 4 Acres total 12 acres it is 52 Rods E & W, 37 1/2 N. & S.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," July 4, 1859 - July 5, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025,