Utah but upon the mere rumour of liars they could send
out 2000 armed soldiers to Utah to destroy the people without
investigating the subject at all. Capt Van Vleit said the
Governm[en]t may yet send out one to Utah & consider
it policy before they get through with it. President Young said
I do think that God has sent you out here & that Good
will grow out of it I was glad when I learned that
you was coming. Capt Van Vleit said I am vary
anxious to get back to Washington as soon as I can
I herd officially that General Harney was recalled to Kansas
to officiate as Govornor I shall stop the train on hams
fork on my own responsibility, & leave them there
President Young said if we can ceep the peace for this winter
I do think there will be sumthing turn up that may save
so much shedding of Blood. Capt V. said I think so
to the troops will have to stop on hams fork for their
provisions will be late coming up I do not think their
is more than 1000 troops coming their is one rigm[en]t
from the florida war their is not more than 300 men
they have been reduced by the scurvey that florida
war has cost many millions of money it is a specu-
lating scheme their is not more than 100 warriors
& they have got hiding places which No man can find
it is seldom you can kill one you may accidentally
stum ball onto one as you would a partridge, well
this regiment are old men & the regim[en]t is worn out
~ Sunday
27th Sunday I called upon Elder Taylor in the Morning
to get the History of Joseph which He had written
but He informed me he had left it at the Historians office
the evening before He was about preparing to go into the
Mountains with G. A. Smith & Gen D. H. Wells & his
staff or a part of it they got ready & left the city
about 1 oclok P.M. I attended meeting in the tabernacle
the returned Missionaries occupied the fore noon untill
near 12 oclok I then addressed the people for a short
time. In the afternoon Brother Case from the Cherikes
Nation spoke a short time was followed by Heber C Kimb-
all who gave a vary interesting discourse. I attended
the prayer Meeting in the evening President Young was
quite unwell.
~ Monday
28th We received an express this morning from
the Army in the Mountains saying that our enemies
were marching strongly towards us they tryed to stamped
the Animals of the Army but found them all chained by
the feet so they could not run a small company also
tried to stampede some oxen & they failed in [it]. Brother Jones informed me that Capt Van Vleit tried to pursuade
the Armey to stay on hams fork to winter or in that
region but the 10th regiment swore that they had started
for salt Lake & they would go there. Capt Van Vleit told
them that we should not let them come but they would
find a diferent warfare from any thing they had met with
Utah but upon the mere rumour of liars they could send
out 2000 armed soldiers to Utah to destroy the people without
investigating the subject at all. Capt Van Vleit said the
Government may yet send out one to Utah & consider
it policy before they get through with it. President Young said
I do think that God has sent you out here & that Good
will grow out of it I was glad when I learned that
you was coming. Capt Van vleit said I am vary
anxious to get back to Washington as soon as I can
I herd officially that General Harney was recalled to Kansas
to officiate as Govornor I shall stop the train on hams
fork on my own responsibility, & leave them there
President Young said if we can Ceep the peace for this winter
I do think there will be sumthing turn up that may save
so much shedding of Blood. Capt V. said I think so
to the troops will have to stop on hams fork for their
provisions will be late coming up I do not think their
is more than 1000 troops coming their is one rigment
from the florida war their is not more than 300 men
they have been reduced by the scurvey that florida
war has cost many millions of money it is a speculating scheme their is not more than 100 warriors
& they have got hiding places which No man can find
it is seldom you can kill one you may accidentally
stumball onto one as you would a partridge, well
this regiment are old men & the regiment is worn out
~ Sunday
27th Sunday I called upon Elder Taylor in the Morning
to get the History of Joseph which He had written
but He informed me he had left it at the Historians office
the evening before He was about preparing to go into the
Mountains with G. A. Smith & Gen D. H. Wells & his
staff or a part of it they got ready & left the City
about 1 oclok P.M. I attended meeting in the tabernacle
the returned Missionaries occupied the fore noon untill
near 12 oclok I then addressed the people for a short
time. In the afternoon Brother Case from the Cherokee
Nation spoke a short time was followed by Heber C Kimball who gave a vary interesting discourse. I attended
the prayer Meeting in the evening President Young was
quite unwell.
~ Monday
28th we received an express this morning from
the Army in the Mountains saying that our enemies
were marching strongly towards us they tryed to stamped
the Animals of the Army but found them all chained by
the feet so they could not run a small company also
tried to stampede some oxen & they failed in it. Brother
Jones informed me that Capt Van vleit tried to pursuade
the Armey to stay on hams fork to winter or in that
region but the 10th Regiment swore that they had started
for salt Lake & they would go there. Capt Van vleit told
them that we should not let them come but they would
find a diferent warfare from any thing they had met with
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," September 26, 1857 - September 28, 1857, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/O7JL