Sunday I was not well through the day & did
not attend meeting I attended the Prayer
Meeting in the evening at the close I walked to Brother Smoots Prayed for Wm Smoots child who had fallen out of
a chair onto the stove & burned his face vary bad I laid hands
upon his Mother who was also sick & blessed her
~ Monday
16th I spent the day in the office I had 150 bushels of Beets
I paid 15 bushels of tithing to day. we made 105 gallons
of Molasses out of the rest there was an express came in
to day D H Wells sent a letter to President B Young but
nothing vary important the Enemy were still on Hams
~ Tuesday
17th I spent the day in the Office on Presidents Youngs History I dreamed
at night that Dr J M. Bernhisel arived suddenly in our midst vary
much excited He said that all the Indians on the western borders
were going to war with the whites & the government was going to try
to make a treaty with all the Indians & mormons & settle the diffi-
culties in an amicable way
~ Wednesday
18th I spent the day in the office with G. A. Smith & President Young & H C Kimball reading their History we read Brother
Youngs History till 3 oclok & Brother Kimballs till 5 oclok
I dreamed at night that our Enemies came suddenly upon
us quite unexpectedly women & children were running before
them I was with a pair of Mules in the waggon & trying to get
away with them as I awoke
~ Thursday
19th As I arived at the office this morning I related my dream
to G A Smith & J. C. Little when Brother G. A. Smith said
He had the same dream himself & related it to his wife when
he awoke I spent the day in the Office on B. Young History
G A Smith furnished us with a supper at the Globe the
clerks of the Historians Office & Brothers Clawson Cain
& Calder were also present we discussed the welfare of
the Nation till about midnight
~ Friday
20th Brother G. D. GrantJoseph Young & others came in this
morning from the seat of war stateed that the troops
were at Bridger & did not know whether they would winter
there or not. I spent the afternoon in the office. Brother John
Heath Broak his leg on the 15th instant was brought into this city
on the 19th & was carried into A. P. Rockwood House & spent
the night this morning Thomas Grover his Father in Law
came with a waggon & took him home
Nov 15th 1857
Sunday I was not well through the day & did
not attend meeting I attended the Prayer
Meeting in the evening at the close I walked to Brother
Smoots Prayed for Wm Smoots child who had fallen out of
a chair onto the stove & burned his face vary bad I laid hands
upon his Mother who was also sick & blessed her
~ Monday
16th I spent the day in the office I had 150 bushels of Beets
I paid 15 bushels of tithing to day. we made 105 gallons
of Molasses out of the rest there was an express came in
to day D H Wells sent a letter to President B Young but
nothing vary important the Enemy were still on Hams
~ Tuesday
17th I spent the day in the Office on Presidents Youngs History I dreamed
at night that Dr J M. Bernhisel arived suddenly in our midst vary
much excited. He said that all the Indians on the western borders
were going to war with the whites & the government was going to try
to make a treaty with all the Indians & mormons & settle the difficulties in an amicable way
~ Wednesday
18th I spent the day in the office with G. A. Smith & President
Young & H C Kimball reading their History we read Brother
Youngs History till 3 oclok & Brother Kimballs till 5 oclok
[FIGURE] I dreamed at night that our Enemies came suddenly upon
us quite unexpectedly women & children were running before
them I was with a pair of Mules in the waggon & trying to get
away with them as I awoke
~ Thursday
19th As I arived at the office this morning I related my dream
to G A Smith & J. C. Little when Brother G. A. Smith said
He had the same dream himself & related it to his wife when
he awoke I spent the day in the office on B. Young History
G A Smith furnished us with a supper at the Globe the
clerks of the Historians office & Brothers Clawson Cain
& Calder were also present we discussed the welfare of
the Nation till about midnight
~ Friday
20th Brother G. D. GrantJoseph Young & others came in this
morning from the seat of war stateed that the troops
were at Bridger & did not know whether they would winter
there or not. I spent the afternoon in the office. Brother John
Heath Broak his leg on the 15th instant was brought into this City
on the 19th & was carried into A. P. Rockwood House & spent
the night this morning Thomas Grover his Father in Law
came with a waggon & took him home
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," November 15, 1857 - November 22, 1857, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,