when the gospel was offered unto them but when theiry put to death
their king & savior the gospel was taken from them & given to the
gentiles it was also given to the Lamanites & ten tribes of Israel. the
first were to be last & the last first [Matthew 20:16] it will now come to the gentiles
first then to the ten tribes of Israel & to the Lamanite before it will go
to the Jews they will be the last to received it who has ever herd
of the Jews having the spirit of God, or the Gospel, or kingdom of God
offered to the Jews since they put to death Jesus Christ & the kingdom
went to the Gentiles. No one for it has never been done. they will go
home in unbelief & wickedness & rebuild Jerrusalem in that state & they
will be so far from the gospel that when the Gentiles come against them
to battle rifle their houses ravish their women & carry half of their
city into captivity & Jesus Christ comes & delivers them in the midst
of this hour ^of^ perrill & trouble they will not know him or even imagin
Ho he is till they ask him about his wounds & he tells them then
the gospel has to be preached to them & they repent & are baptized & receive
the first principles of the gospel.
He also said their was a promise
that the three Nephites & angels should visit the Lamanites but they could
not be sent to them with messages to recieve & obey the Mormons untill
all the Mormon Missionaries were righteous men & would not steal, lie,
sware or commit Adultery for if the Angels were to tell them to obey
the Mormons & they found the Mormons to do wickedly they would loose
confidence in both the Mormons & the Angels
18th I spent the day in the committee room to work at Books
19 I spent the day in the committee room I attended a party at Mrs Kimballs school house with her schollars the evening was spent
in danceing & speaking
20 I spent this day in the committe room
21st I spent this day in the committee room & the evening in
the Seventies Hall with the Polosophical society & herd many good
Essays speeches, songs & musical entertainment we had a good time
22nd I spent the day in the committe room & attended two meeting
in the evening one the Horticultural society & chose J. M. Bernhisel
our deligate or agent. I also attended the Tipographocal society the
constitution was adopted a President & Board Appointed I was
appointed seconed reporter
23rd I spent the day in the committe room
24th Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle and herd
a discourse from Elder Joseph Hovey he spoke vary well. he told
his experience from the begining of the work he was followed by
President Brigham Young who sustained Brother Hovey in what
he had said. He then took up the subject of the courts as held in Great Salt Lake City and also the ungodly course of the Lawyiers who
carry on those courts. He cursed them in the Name of the Lord with
a great curse & All Israel said Amen. He spoke in the spirit &
power of God. He called Zerubabel Snow by name & he cursed
him and all that He had. His serman is published in the times
Deseret News Vol [blank] Number [blank]
gospel was offered unto them but when they put to death
their king & savior the gospel was taken from them & given to the
gentiles it was also given to the Lamanites & ten tribes of Israel. the
first were to be last & the last first it will now come to the gentiles
first then to the ten tribes of Israel & to the Lamanite before it will go
to the Jews they will be the last to receive it who has ever herd
of the Jews having the spirit of God, or the Gospel, or kingdom of God
offered to the Jews since they put to death Jesus Christ & the kingdom
went to the Gentiles. No one for it has never been done. they will go
home in unbelief & wickedness & rebuild Jerrusalem in that state & they
will be so far from the gospel that when the Gentiles come against them
to battle rifle their houses ravish their women & carry half of their
city into captivity & Jesus Christ comes & delivers them in the midst
of this hour of perrill & trouble they will not know him or even imagin
Ho he is till they ask him about his wounds & he tells them that
the gospel has to be preached to them & they repent & are baptized & receive
the first principles of the gospel.
He also said their was a promise
that the three Nephites & angels should visit the Lamanites but they could
not be sent to them with messages to receive & obey the Mormons untill
all the Mormon Missionaries were righteous men & would not steal, lie,
sware or commit Adultery for if the Angels were to tell them to obey
the Mormons & they found the Mormons to do wickedly they would loose
confidence in both the Mormons & the Angels
18th I spent the day in the committee room to work at Books
19 I spent the day in the committee room I attended a party at
Mrs Kimballs school house with her scholars the evening was spent
in dancing & speaking
20 I spent this day in the committe room
21st I spent this day in the committee room & the evening in
the seventies Hall with the Polosophical society & herd many good
Essays speeches, songs & musical entertainment we had a good time
22nd I spent the day in the committe room & attended two meeting
in the evening one the Horticultural society & chose J. M. Bernhisel
our deligate or agent. I also attended the Tipographocal society the
constitution was adopted a President & Board Appointed I was
appointed second reporter
23rd I spent the day in the committe room
24th [FIGURE] Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle and herd
a discourse from Elder Joseph Hovey he spoke vary well. he told
his experience from the begining of the work he was followed by
President Brigham Young who sustained Brother Hovey in what
he had said. He then took up the subject of the courts as held in
Great Salt Lake City and also the ungodly course of the Lawyers who
carry on those courts. He cursed them in the Name of the Lord with
a great curse & All Israel said Amen. He spoke in the spirit &
power of God He called Zerubabel Snow by name & he cursed
him and all that He had. His serman is published in the
Deseret News Vol [blank] Number [blank]
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," February 17, 1856 - February 24, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/908