11th I spent the day in the Presidents upper room with the committee
to work on the reader. President Young kindly offered the committee
his upper room to work in while getting out the Books.
We met with the regency this evening at the Presidents upper
room the work of the committee was red & excepted the rema-
inder of the evening was occupied by exercises upon the black board
Another committee of revision or examination was appointed to
assist us who were appointed as the first committee. President
Brigham Young has had his mind deeply exercised upon the getting
up of the Deserett Alphabet & carrying it into the practical use. He has
laboured hard from the begining upon this subject & we are now
making Books under his direction to be published in this Alphabet
we have got to get the type made as the letters are entirely new
from any others now in use. I am satisfyed that great good will
grow out of the Deseret Alphabet it is an entire change of the English Auorthography of our English language, it spelsls all words by sound
The committee who were last chosen were A. CarringtonD. H. Wells & Wm Willis
12 to 16 I spent this week with the committee making Books. I attended Mrs Kimballs school friday evening which was a Juvinile polosophical
society And the same kind of a school in the 14 ward taught by Mr Cobmbs
the scholars have made good progress during the winter
17th Sunday I attended the meeting in the Tabernacle. Father Isaac
Morley spoke to the people for a short time & was followed by President Brigham Young in a vary interesting manner. G D Watt reported &
it is published in the [blank] No [blank] Vol of the Deserett News I
attended prayer meeting in the evening circle. President Young asked
Elder Orson Pratt what He thought of his preaching that intelligent
beings would continue to learn to all Eternity. O. Pratt said that He believed
the Gods had a knowledge at the present time of evry thing that ever
did exhist to the endless ages of all Eternity. He believed it as much
as any truth that he had ever learned in or out of this Church. President
Young remarked that he had never learned that principle in the Church
for it was not taught in the Church for it was not true it was fals doctr-
in For the Gods & all intelligent Beings would never scease to learn
except it was the sons of perdition they would continue to decrease
untill they became dissolved back into their native Element & lost
their Identity.
In speaking of this people He said
if they would behave half deesent thiey would not be driven away from
this place
I attended meeting at the 14th ward school House in the evening Elder P. P. Preached a good discourse. He told the bishop to cut off all the
Liars thieves, Adulterers, & profane swarers from the Church for they
would rot the body if they continued on it. and many wicked men
would stick by the Church but they would never repent of their
sins their was a time when men could repent & have the spirit
of God but when that time was past men might pray till their
knees were callaced & they could not get the spirit of God. How long did
the people that were destroyed in the flood have to wait before they could have
the offer of the spirit of God or the gospel, they had to wait more than two
thousand years till after Christ came & was crusiphfied. He then went
& preached to the spirits in Prision. the gospel was then offered unto
them. And how has it been with the Jews they once saw the day when the
11th I spent the day in the Presidents upper room with the committee
to work on the reader. President Young kindly offered the committee
his upper room to work in while getting out the Books.
[FIGURE] we met with the regency this evening at the Presidents upper
room the work of the committee was red & excepted the remainder of the evening was occupied by exercises upon the black board
Another committee of revision or examination was appointed to
assist us who were appointed as the first committee. President
Brigham Young has had his mind deeply exercised upon the getting
up of the Deserett Alphabet & carrying it into the practical use He has
laboured hard from the begining upon this subject & we are now
making Books under his direction to be published in this Alphabet
we have got to get the type made as the letters are entirely new
from any others now in use. I am satisfyed that great good will
grow out of the Deseret Alphabet it is an entire change of the English
orthography of our English language, it spells all words by sound
The committee who were last chosen were A. CarringtonD. H. Wells &
Wm Willis
12 to 16 I spent this week with the committee making Books. I attended
Mrs Kimballs school friday evening which was a Juvinile polosophical
society And the same kind of a school in the 14 ward taught by Mr Combs
the scholars have made good progress during the winter
17thSunday I attended the meeting in the Tabernacle. Father Isaac
Morley spoke to the people for a short time & was followed by President
Brigham Young in a vary interesting manner. G D Watt reported &
it is published in the [blank] No [blank] Vol of the Deserett News I
attended prayer meeting in the evening circle. President Young asked
Elder Orson Pratt what He thought of his preaching that intelligent
beings would continue to learn to all Eternity. O. Pratt said that He believed
the Gods had a knowledge at the present time of evry thing that ever
did exhist to the endless ages of all Eternity. He believed it as much
as any truth that he had ever learned in or out of this church. President
Young remarked that he had never learned that principle in the Church
for it was not taught in the church for it was not true it was fals doctrin. For the Gods & all intelligent Beings would never scease to learn
except it was the sons of perdition they would continue to decrease
untill they became dissolved back into their native Element & lost
their Identity.
In speaking of this people He said
if they would behave half deesent they would not be driven away from
this place
I attended meeting at the 14th ward school House in the evening Elder
P. P. Preached a good discourse. He told the bishop to cut off all the
Liars thieves, Adulterers, & profane swarers from the church for they
would rot the body if they continued on it. and many wicked men
would stick by the church but they would never repent of their
sins their was a time when men could repent & have the spirit
of God but when that time was past men might pray till their
knees were callaced & they could not get the spirit of God. How long did
the people that were destroyed in the flood have to wait before they could have
the offer of the spirit of God or the gospel, they had to wait more than two
thousand years till after Christ came & was crusified. He then went
& preached to the spirits in Prision. the gospel was then offered unto
them. And how has it been with the Jews they once saw the day when the
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," February 11, 1856 - February 17, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/8Q2