are tohe first born and they are the first ones to receive th[e] fulness of the Gentiles gospel in this dispensation they are the first
to be gathered together and this work was not to be given to
any other in the begining of this kingdom. this has been done.
the Ephraimites are before me here to day. Now if I was to
ask you if you are willing to do as you are told you would
say yes. But let me tell you ther is not one of you that
are willing to do as you are told. I have given the people
council for years past how to build their forsts, walls, cities
Houses, & how to begin to beautify & adorn Zion but have
the people done as I have told them in these things, no. You
may say these are of miner consequences. But let me
tel you that if you are not willing to do the small things that
is necessary ^on earth^ then you are not willing to do as you are told
in heaven, & you will loose your glory and exhaltation
Now do you not rembember that I told you years ago to go to
& build up a beautiful city in this place but there has been
nothing done towards it. we have many that have been in
the Church fqor quite a number of years & yet we have
not a Builder or Architect that knows enough to build
the meanest house of any kind not even a keitchen in
the New Jerrusalem. Then how can we build up the
New Jerrusalem? I have told the people all the day long
to be prepared to build up this city. And I will say that
if we could take all the knowledge that exhists among evry
nation upon the face of the whole Earth & boil it down into
an essenc & put it all into one man He would not know
enough to lay the first stone in the wall around the New
Jerrusalem to say nothing about building the city & Temple
we have got to improve continually and build up good
cities & adorn & beautify Zion and let me tel you that
if you do not come to thisat place ^whare^ you will not stand set
your heart on any riches or gold you are not worthy to
do the work of God, and if this people do not build up
Zion they will be moved out of their place. evry time we
build a House or city we should better it. evry thing around
us should be neat & clean. now look at this building for
a school house. the ground around this building should be
prepared for a play ground, & kept neat & clean & prep[ar]ed
so as to make the child Happy. Children should be in a cle[a]n
plase but how is it here. the moment the children step out
of door they see nothing but filth all the day long. the
minds of our children while young are pure & they should
not spend their time in filthy places for it effects their
minds & feelings they should be in a clean place, for
they are visited by the Angels of God but parents do not
realize this although it is true. Yo[u] may say I do not have
time to keep my dwellings, school Houses, door yards &c
clean. no nor you never will have till you die upon the same
principle, but you should take time. now it should not take
a week till I would clean out my door Yard. But
the people in this Territory have not had time to clean
out their door yards, or to make any thing els they ought
to do. I will show you that I will set an example for
are the first born and they are the first ones to receive the
fulness of the gospel in this dispensation they are the first
to be gathered together and this work was not to be given to
any other in the begining of this kingdom, this has been done.
the Ephraimites are before me here to day. Now if I was to
ask you if you are willing to do as you are told you would
say yes. But let me tell you ther is not one of you that
are willing to do as you are told. I have given the people
council for years past how to build their forts, walls, Cities
Houses, & how to begin to beautify & adorn Zion but have
the people done as I have told them in these things, no. You
may say these are of miner consequences. But let me
tel you that if you are not willing to do the small things that
is necessary on earth then you are not willing to do as you are told
in heaven. & you will loose your glory and exhaltation
Now do you not remember that I told you years ago to go to
& build up a beautiful city in this place but there has been
nothing done towards it. we have many that have been in
the Church for quite a number of years & yet we have
not a Builder or Architect that knows enough to build
the meanest house of any kind not even a kitchen in
the New Jerrusalem. Then how can we build up the
New Jerrusalem? I have told the people all the day long
to be prepared to build up this city. And I will say that
if we could take all the knowledge that exhists among evry
nation upon the face of the whole Earth & boil it down into
an essenc & put it all into one man He would not know
enough to lay the first stone in the wall around the New
Jerrusalem to say nothing about building the city & Temple
we have got to improve continually and build up good
cities & adorn & beautify Zion and let me tel you that
if you do not come to that place whare you will not set
your heart on any riches or gold you are not worthy to
do the work of God, and if this people do not build up
Zion they will be moved out of their place. evry time we
build a House or city we should better it, evry thing around
us should be neat & clean. now look at this building for
a school house. the ground around this building should be
prepared for a play ground, & kept neat & Clean & prepared
so as to make the child Happy. Children should be in a clean
plase but how is it here. the moment the children step out
of door they see nothing but filth all the day long. the
minds of our children while young are pure & they should
not spend their time in filthy places for it affects their
minds & feelings they should be in a clean place, for
they are visited by the Angels of God but parents do not
realize this although it is true. You may say I do not have
time to keep my dwellings, school Houses, door yards &c
clean, no nor you never will have till you die upon the same
principle, but you should take time. now it should not take
a week till I would clean out my door Yard. But
the people in this Territory have not had time to clean
out their door yards, or to make any thing els they ought
to do. I will show you that I will set an example for
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," December 16, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 3, 2025,