my children to follow. I will teach those things which we
ought to do to day. I have preached this doctrin from the
begining the first time I ever preached was to tell the
people the duties of to day. now if you had all the gold in
the world what would you do would you go to calafornia No
but go to & build up Zion. You may say their is no calafornia
here we have no gold, but it is not gold that is going to bui[l]d
up Zion though we shall use a good deal of it, but we have
it to do with our hands. You can make a begining & do
sumthing. you can set an example. you can clean out your
house & yard & make that clean, & you can stop the Bed
bugs from runing around you. I do not see the first
fruit or shade tree in this city. come up to the Salt Lake
City & get some Fruit trees & set out & have some fruit
growing. Now this is Zion and the light has come, & shines
upon you & you are call upon to build up Zion. How by going
to Calafornia No, for there is millions of Gold here & the Lord
will send it in sight when He thinks it is best ^for us to Have it^ as He did in
Calafornia. If you think it is not best to come here go back
to Missouri. Old Father Harris said that He would stay
at Kanesville so when the church got ready to go back
to Jackson County He would have but a short way to go [to] what
the people here wood. brother G. A. Smith told him He migh
Happen to find it much the nearest way there by the
way of the Rocky montains & many will find that
to be the case the longest way aroungd will be the shortest way
there. we have been called great spe[c]ulators & misers
I have told the people I was the greatest miser & spe[c]ulator
in the world, for I am laying plans to try to obtain evry
thing there is on Earth & in heaven that is good that is
what I am after all the time. I have told the world that I
would possess Heven while they would become serventstoin the
next world. my speculations are not confined to this world alone
Now I say go to & make a fine house in this place. You may
say I have not the capitol. vary well look at the salt Lake City
we have built up that city without capitol that was built
up with the strength of our hands which is our capitol
Now I want to say to the people here, what do you say to
going out on to your lots to build to build your houses &
set out Fruits trees. Your wall around this fort is
not much protection you might as well stick up a row
of willows to scare & stop the Indians as any thing there
is here. Now go to & build up some good Houses in this
place I wante to Join some 16 of the Brethren to come here
& build up some houses & a wall around it, but I shall build
humble here. I shall not build large, but I want you to lanch
oucht and then come & see Salt Lake City & If I have not
beat you I will try again. I am determined to improve in all
the building I do while I live. If we get our temple built I
mean to go to work & build another one as much better than
the one we are now building as this is better than the one
that we built in kirtland and this wing of the State House
which we have built here is a better building in its finish
& structure than that temple was. Now go to & do what God
requires of you, and what ever you want to get get lawfully
my children to follow, I will teach those things which we
ought to do to day. I have preached this doctrin from the
begining the first time I ever preached was to tell the
people the duties of to day. now if you had all the gold in
the world what would you do would you go to calafornia No
but go to & build up Zion. You may say their is no calafornia
here we have no gold, but it is not gold that is going to build
up Zion though we shall use a good deal of it, but we have
it to do with our hands. You can make a begining & do
sumthing, you can set an example, you can clean out your
house & yard & make that clean, & you can stop the Bed
bugs from runing around you. I do not see the first
fruit or shade tree in this city. come up to the Salt Lake
City & get some Fruit trees & set out & have some fruit
growing. Now this is Zion and the light has come, & shines
upon you & you are call upon to build up Zion. How by going
to Calafornia No, for there is millions of Gold here & the Lord
will send it in sight when He thinks it is best for us to Have it as He did in
Calafornia. If you think it is not best to come here go back
to Missouri. Old Father Harris said that He would stay
at Kanesville so when the church got ready to go back
to Jackson County He would have but a short way to go what
the people here wood, brother G. A. Smith told him He might
Happen to find it much the nearest way there by the
way of the Rocky moutains & many will find that
to be the case the longest way around will be the shortest way
there. we have been called great speculators & misers
I have told the people I was the greatest miser & speculator
in the world, for I am laying plans to try to obtain evry
thing there is on Earth & in heaven that is good that is
what I am after all the time. I have told the world that I
would possess Heven while they would become serventsin the
next world. my speculations are not confined to this world alone
Now I say go to & make a fine house in this place. You may
say I have not the capitol. vary well look at the salt Lake City
we have built up that city without capitol that was built
up with the strength of our hands which is our capitol
Now I want to say to the people here what do you say to
going out on to your lots to build your houses &
set out Fruit trees. Your wall around this fort is
not much protection you might as well stick up a row
of willows to scare & stop the Indians as any thing there
is here. Now go to & build up some good Houses in this
place I want to Join some 16 of the Brethren to come here
& build up some houses & a wall around it. but I shall build
humble here, I shall not build large, but I want you to lanch
out and then come & see Salt Lake City & If I have not
beat you I will try again. I am determined to improve in all
the buildings I do while I live. If we get our temple built I
mean to go to work & build another one as muchbetter than
the one we are now building as this is better than the one
that we built in kirtland and this wing of the state House
which we have built here is a better building in its finish
& structure than that temple was. Now go to & do what God
requires of you. and what ever you want to get get lawfully
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," December 16, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025,