Dec 24th
Judge Sinclair manifests a disposition to make all
the trouble he can He rules against all law and
precedent. Christianson a polieceman had in his
custody a Man called Dumne who made an attack
upon Christionson to kill him & Christionson killed
him in self defence A cornors inquest was held
over the body & it was buried. Judge Sinclair had
the disintered examined & Christianson put into the
hands of the Sherif for safe keeping He has ruled
against all Territorial Jurisdiction and acts in the
spirits of persecution
~ Saturday
25thChrismas mornining I went to the office in the
morning the city seemed to be Quiet I took dinner
with A. O. Smoot with Mrs Woodruff & spent the evening at
his house I was informed that Judge Sinclair got vary
drunk fell into the gutter drew a pistol upon Craig & Craig
drew a knife upon him but both were two drunk to do any
27 Monday I Attended the Legislature Adjourned till tomorrow
11 oclok. I called upon President Young with several of the 12
& others A copy of the valley tan was brought in conta-
ining the Presidents Message which was read it was leangthy
& laid out business enough for several Armies to attend
to I went to Brother Blackhurst with O. Hyde, O. pratt G. A. SmithJ. Taylor & F. D. Richard & their wives
to take supper we returned home about 9 oclok
~ Tuesday
28th I attended the LegislatureKirk Anderson sent a
copy of the valley tan to each member &of the council
& we found it lying on our desks it was moved & carried
that they all be gathered up & returned to the secretary
W Woodruff & B F Johnson was Appointed said committee
At the adjournment of the council we called upon
the secretary the Govornor was present I informed
the secretary that we had come as a committee to wait
upon him to say that we had found the valley tan on our
desk & we now returned them to the secretary not out of
any disrespect ofto the secretary of the message but considering
that the Editor of the Valley Tan had taken an ungentle-
manly course which was calculated to stir up strife bet[we]en
the people & the Government Hence we did not wish to tak
it. Mr Hartnet said He had not any thing to do with it
it was kirk Andersons doings about this time Anderson
~ Friday
Dec 24th
Judge Sinclair manifests a disposition to make all
the trouble he can He rules against all law and
precedent. Christianson a polieceman had in his
custody a Man called Dumne who made an attack
upon Christionson to kill him & Christionson killed
him in self defence. A cornors inquest was held
over the body & it was buried. Judge Sinclair had
the disintered examined & Christianson put into the
hands of the Sherif for safe keeping He has ruled
against all Territorial Jurisdiction and acts in the
spirits of persecution
~ Saturday
25th Christmas mornining I went to the office in the
morning the city seemed to be Quiet I took dinner
with A. O. Smoot with Mrs Woodruff & spent the evening at
his house I was informed that Judge Sinclair got vary
drunk fell into the gutter drew a pistol upon Craig & Craig
drew a knife upon him but both were to drunk to do any
~ Sunday
26 Sunday I met with my Quorum for prayer at the Historians
parayer room. Brother Pugmire prayed A O Smoot was
Mouth I spent the Afternoon at the presidents office. I
met with the Twelve. W. Woodruff Prayed C. C. Rich
was mouth. we called upon President Young & staid till
ten oclok. D H Wells W. Woodruff John TaylorG. A. SmithO Pratt C. C. Rich & Lorenzo Snow was present we
conversed upon the subject of the Legislature & other Business
~ Monday
27 Monday I Attended the Legislature. Adjourned till tomorrow
11 oclok. I called upon President Young with several of the 12
& others. A copy of the valley tan was brought in containing the Presidents Message which was read it was leangthy
& laid out business enough for several Armies to attend
to I went to Brother Blackhurst with O. HydeO. prattG. A. SmithJ. Taylor & F. D. Richard & their wives
to take supper we returned home about 9 oclok
~ Tuesday
28th I attended the Legislature Kirk Anderson sent a
copy of the valley tan to each memberof the council
& we found it lying on our desks it was moved & carried
that they all be gathered up & returned to the secretary
W Woodruff & B F Johnson was Appointed said committee
At the adjournment of the council we called upon
the secretary the Govornor was present I informed
the secretary that we had come as a committee to wait
upon him to say that we had found the valley tan on our
desk & we now returned them to the secretary not out of
any disrespectto the secretary of the message but considering
that the Editor of the valley Tan had taken an ungentlemanly course which was calculated to stir up strife between
the people & the Government Hence we did not wish to take
it. Mr Hartnet said He had not any thing to do with it
it was Kirk Andersons doings about this time Anderson
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," December 24, 1858 - December 28, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025,