who spoke in the spirt & power of God & bore a good testimony & taught
good doctrin. In the afternoon Hon J. M. Bernhisel gave a relation
of his going to Washington & his labours there. He was followed by H D H. Wells who spoke upon political subjects & their corruptions
He was followed by Brigham Young who had much of the spirit
& power of God upon him & edifyed the people much I attended
the prayer circle many remarks were made by President Young
upon various subjects He said the devil was mad to be called by his
right name by a saint but if the devil or a wicked man was to call
the devil by his right name all would be well. President Young said while
speaking of the Constitution of the U. S that it was got up by inspiration
it gives all men the rights of conscience so it will be in the
Millennium it will be like the Constitution all will have to bow the
knee & acknowledge the Lord that it is his right to reign but
they must not Blaspheme but they may enjoy there own religion
Men talk about making a Law to stop Poligamy in Utah that
would be an expose facto law & the Constitution declairs that Congress shall not make any such law & if the time comes when
the United States do make a law & send men to punish me for
poligamy or having more than one wife as there is no law against
it you make up your mind that I shall send them to
Hell I do not think they will do it, but if they do you may
tell them they had better send 100,000 men with provision for
5 years & they may make their calculations upon it & they will
want to make forth from one end of the route to the other
so they can step from one to the other. there is one sweeping
clause against this proceding when they Charter a ship company to
build ships & controll them they cede up their righ[t] in this case
so it is in the Territories, they have a Territorial government
this people should have a right to govern there own institutions
~ Monday
22nd I spent the day in the office President Young called in
in the afternoon a short time with C. C. Rich.
~ Tuesday
23rd The Eastern mails arived at 1/2 past 2 oclok 23
days from IndipendanceFerrymore Little & Ephraim Hanks came
with it, the shortest trip on record we learn that all Hell is boiling
over against the saints in Utah we also are informed that
Elder Parley ^P^ Pratt was Murdered By [blank] MCLain who
s[h]ot him in Arkansaw this was painful news to his family the
papers of the United States are filled with bitter revileings aga[ins]t
us the devil is exceding mad. Sister Sayers & sister Vose both
arived in the mail Sister [blank] Vose is 77 years old & rode 1200 miles
in 23 days she has been a member of the Church almost from the
begining she has given thousands of Dollars for the Elders & building
up of the kingdom of God. I went into the Presidents office with
the first Presidency & Twelve to hear the news by the Mail president Young was sick yet He sat for 3 Hours & heard reading & cor[res]ponde[nce]
I went with the Twelve, O Hyde, W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & A. Lyman
to visit the family & to comfort them on the Death of their Husband
& Father they were calm & composed I again called in the evening
saw Sister Sayers & had some conversation with her
~ Wednesday
24th I called upon President Youndg with the 12 I spent most of the day
in the office
who spoke in the spirit & power of God & bore a good testimony & taught
good doctrin. In the afternoon Hon J. M Bernhisel gave a relation
of his going to washington & his labours there. He was followed by
D H. Wells who spoke upon political subjects & their corruptions
He was followed by Brigham Young who had much of the spirit
& power of God upon him & Edifyed the people much I attended
the prayer Circle many remarks were made by President Young
upon various subjects He said the devil was mad to be called by his
right name by a saint but if the devil or a wicked man was to call
the devil by his right name all would be well. President Young said while
speaking of the constitution of the U.S that it was got up by inspiration
it gives all men the rights of conscience so it will be in the
Millennium it will be like the constitution all will have to bow the
knee & acknowledge the Lord that it is his right to reign but
they must not Blaspheme but they may enjoy there own religion
Men talk about making a Law to stop Poligamy in Utah that
would be an expose facto law & the constitution declairs that
congress shall not make any such law & if the time comes when
the United States do make a law & send men to punish me for
poligamy or having more than one wife as there is no law against
it you make up your mind that I shall send them to
Hell I do not think they will do it. but if they do you may
tell them they had better send 100,000 men with provision for
5 years & they may make their calculations upon it & they will
want to make forth from one end of the route to the other
so they can step from one to the other. there is one sweeping
clause against this proceding when they Charter a ship company to
build ships & controll them they cede up their right in this case
so it is in the Territories, they have a Territorial Government
this people should have a right to govern there own institutions
~ Monday
22nd I spent the day in the office President Young called in
in the afternoon a short time with C. C. Rich
~ Tuesday
23rd [FIGURE] The Eastern mails arived at 1/2 past 2 oclok 23
days from IndipendanceFerrimore Little & Ephraim Hanks came
with it. the shortest trip on record we learn that all Hell is boiling
over against the saints in Utah we also are informed that
Elder Parley P Pratt was murdered By [blank] MCLain who
shot him in Arkansaw this was painful news to his family the
papers of the United States are filled with bitter revileings against
us the devil is exceding mad. Sister Sayers & sister Vose both
arived in the mail Sister [blank] Vose is 77 years old & rode 1200 miles
in 23 days she has been a member of the Church almost from the
begining she has given thousands of Dollars for the Elders & building
up of the kingdom of God I went into the Presidents office with
the first Presidency & Twelve to hear the news by the Mail president
Young was sick yet He set for 3 Hours & heard reading & correspondence
I went with the Twelve, O Hyde, W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & A. Lyman
to visit the family & to comfort them on the Death of their Husband
& Father they were calm & composed I again called in the evening
saw sister Sayers & had some conversation with her
~ Wednesday
24g]] with the 12 I spent most of the day
in the office
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," June 21, 1857 - June 24, 1857, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/g5x3