have a variety sometimes fat & sometimes lean & sometimes noth
ing we shall have trials but I think we ought to do our duty
magnify our calling and trust in God and all will be right
I believe the day is not far off when the Twelve will have
all that is necessary. He related a dream about Bull[i]on &
gold &c J Taylor said I will prophesy that it shall be
fulfilled Lorenzo Snow said I will prophesiy that the Moon is
made under which it shall be fulfilled. O Hyde said I will
Prophesiy that the time will soon come when we shall have all
that we want
E. T. Benson asked how much wood O Hyde got at Sessions
settlement He said he had paid $5 for one load of maple wood
of the Bishop that is all that I had in that settlem[en]t.
we had a mixed conversation upon the subject before us we finally
concluded to fulfill our mission ^first^ and be industrious and provided
for our families as well as we can & then trust in God
O Hyde made a statement of his doings in New Yourk
at the Time that Roberts was overturning the Church thrugh
fals doctrin. The course was sustained by Joseph Smith
His instruction to the Twelve was read. B. Young said
that when any one of the Fwelve [Twelve] was abroad it was their
duty to preside & regulate all things
O Hyde Prayed in the spirit of the Lord and then spoke
said he wished the brethren would pray and aske for those
things which we want & contend for it untill we obtain
I feel as though we shall not always be kooped up here
I do not believe we shall always be together but the
Lord will call ous out we have a work to do in the Earth
the Lord has said "with you I will rend their Kingdom
saidth the Lord" will this be done while we are here, we
must pray for the spirit of God to be with us
At a quarter to 12 oclck H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells called
*H. C. Kimball said this madtoe me think of the time when
I returned from EnglandJosephJames [illegible]Foster ^was president^ & the presidency of
the Seventies ^they^ had met with a seers stones to see what they
could see when I went in they treated me vary cool & Z Pulsipher said dont be excited Brother Kimball is
Nothing but a man, they treated me vary cooly & I went
home and wept* The 12 all rose up & shook hands with them &
recieved them Joyfully
O Hyde explained to Brothers Kimball & Wells what we
had done, and would like to hear from them
Brother Kimball said I consider evry ruling man in
the Church that Has the Holy Ghost is a prophet seer & rev-
elator & he should have the spirit of that office
have a variety sometimes fat & sometimes lean & sometimes noth
ing we shall have trials but I think we ought to do our duty
magnify our calling and trust in God and all will be right
I believe the day is not far off when the Twelve will have
all that is necessary. He related a dream about Bullion &
gold &c. J Taylor said I will prophesy that it shall be
fulfilled Lorenzo Snow said I will prophesy that the Moon is
made under which it shall be fulfilled. O Hyde said I will
Prophesy that the time will soon come when we shall have all
that we want
E. T. Benson asked how much wood O Hyde got at Sessions
settlement He said he had paid $5 for one load of maple wood
of the Bishop that is all that I had in that settlement.
we had a mixed conversation upon the subject before us we finally
concluded to fulfill our mission first and be industrious and provided
for our families as well as we can & then trust in God
O Hyde made a statement of his doings in New Yourk
at the Time that Roberts was overturning the church through
fals doctrin. The course was sustained by Joseph Smith
His instruction to the Twelve was read. B. Young said
that when any one of the Twelve was abroad it was their
duty to preside & regulate all things
O Hyde Prayed in the spirit of the Lord and then spoke
said he wished the brethren would pray and aske for those
things which we want & contend for it untill we obtain
I feel as though we shall not always be kooped up here
I do not believe we shall always be together but the
Lord will callus out we have a work to do in the Earth
the Lord has said "with you I will rend their Kingdom,
saith the Lord" will this be done while we are here, we
must pray for the spirit of God to be with us
At a quarter to 12 oclck H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells called
* H. C. Kimball said this made me think of the time when
I returned from EnglandJamesFoster was president & of
the Seventies they had met with a seers stones to see what they
could see when I went in &
Z Pulsipher said dont be excited Brother Kimball is
Nothing but a man, they treated me vary cooly & I went
home and wept* The 12 all rose up & shook hands with them &
recieved them Joyfully
O Hyde explained to Brothers Kimball & Wells what we
had done, and would like to hear from them
Brother Kimball said I consider evry ruling man in
the Church that has the Holy Ghost is a prophet seer & Revelator & he should have the spirit of that office
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," February 22, 1859 - February 23, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/4841