22nd I called at the President's office in the morning to see the
Mail but few papers came in & not much
The Twelve Met in the prayer closset at 12 oclok their being
present O Hyde O. Pratt W. Woodruff John Taylor G. A. Smith
E. T. Benson Lorenzo Snow, C. C. Rich Erastus Snow F. D. Richards
Elder Taylor opened by Prayer and asked the Lord for all
things nessary for the Saints
O Hyde wrote a note to H. C. Kimball giving him an invitactoon
to meet with us
we conversed upon variosus subjets till 1 oclok
we then sung A poor wayfareing man of grief
E. T. Benson Prayed & called upon the Lord for his
Blessings upon all the Authorities of the Church and upon
all Zion and for the Holy spirit to be poured oput upon us
and for the Lord to hedge up the way of our Enemies that
they shall have no power over us
we then sundg Come let us Anew our Journey persue
O. Hyde Prayed in the spirit of the Lord and asked for evry blessi-
ng upon the Church & Kingdom of God which the free spirit of
the Lord dictated unto him
Erastus Snow spoke concerning the feelings of many of
the people against seeing the Twelve prosper in Temperal things
He thought if the Lord did not sanction this, He permited it to
be & he thought perhaps it was not the will of God that we should
[be] engaged in Temperal business when I was ordained Brother
Brigham told me to lay down my hoe & all farming tools & labouring
in the ministry and I do not prosper in any temperal business
F. D Richards said he Brother Snow had spoken his feelings
exactly he did not feel like engaging in any temperal Business
C. C. Rich spoke upon the same subject & said that He did not
no as all the Twelve all experienced the same thing but I think
the people are exercised by a spirit othat they do not comprehend
or know what it ment but their is an opposition to Joseph &
the Presidency & Twelve against their prosperity. I think we
should use wisdom in the preservation of our bodies & lives we
have received a gospel and principles which will save us, but
we must apply it to our bodies as well as to our souls in the season
thereof in [order] to be saved.
Brother C. C. Rich called upon
the Lord in prayer and asked the Blessing of God upon us
Lorenzo Snow spoke, was thankful to meet with us & when
He herd of it thought he would undergo a great deal in order
to meet with us, if we did not have those great & marvellous
things that was manifest on the day of Pentecost yet it was
good to meet & pray and while our Enemies are seeking our
overthrow we should call upon God for our protection we are
differently situated from the Ancient Apostles they had
not the kingdom of God to build up as we have. Now the power
seems to be assimulated among the people & not confined to one
or two men or Twelve yet I consider Brigham Young is
performing a greater work in saving provideing and orga-
nizing his family, in the way he has than he would to divide
the waters, or heal the soals, cast out Devils, or do other miracles
and the wisdom of God is with him with regard to our atten-
ding to temperal matters I think we shall have to attend
to temporal matters & understand them in order to build up
the kingdom of God. I have no dout but that if Bishop
Hunter would take care of our Families & we do nothing els
No doubt we should be great & powerful men in spirit
& make the hearts of men tremble & be filled with the power
of God but would this benefit the people more than for us
to know how to teach the people in temperal things
O Hyde said I have thought of the subject as Erastus spoke of
but I have thought it was best for us to take a medium course
we must have cares and if we could do as Bishop Hunter
spoke of we might become dry & dull I believe we shall
have a variety sometimes fat & sometimes lean & sometimes noth
ing we shall have trials but I think we ought to do our duty
magnify our calling and trust in God and all will be right
I believe the day is not far off when the Twelve will have
all that is necessary. He related a dream about Bull[i]on &
gold &c J Taylor said I will prophesy that it shall be
fulfilled Lorenzo Snow said I will prophesiy that the Moon is
made under which it shall be fulfilled. O Hyde said I will
Prophesiy that the time will soon come when we shall have all
that we want
E. T. Benson asked how much wood O Hyde got at Sessions
settlement He said he had paid $5 for one load of maple wood
of the Bishop that is all that I had in that settlem[en]t.
we had a mixed conversation upon the subject before us we finally
concluded to fulfill our mission ^first^ and be industrious and provided
for our families as well as we can & then trust in God
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G. A. Smith said that I understand the Idea of Brother Pratt is that we be united in what we ask for but not to limit us I know that we want the Holy spirit. And one of the Greatest Gifts that we want is wisdom to help us to use the Holy spirit when we pray we want a gr[e]at deal of wisdom to know when to speak & when to be silen
we shall have trials but I think we ought to do our duty magnify our calling and trust in God and all will be right
Brother Kimball said I consider evry ruling man in the Church that has the Holy Ghost is a prophet seer & Rev- elator & he should have the spirit of that office
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.