old three wives 3 children & a lamanite Boy called Moroni I returned to My house & confirmed them all
18th March 1856 Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff & myself in
company with our two oldest children Wilford & Phebe
repaired to the house of the Lord that our children might
receive their endowment I washed & anointed my son Wilford
and ordained him to the office of an Elder & sealed upon him all
the Blessings of his ordination, Anointing, & my Birthright in
complyiance with the council of President Kimball. {The following is the synopsis of the blessing sealed upon the head of Wilford Woodruff by his father Wilford Woodruff}
[several lines blank]
I spent the day in the Council House & had an interesting day long
to be remembered for the Blessing that Father Joseph Smith the
Patriarch sealed upon my head before I had any children was
fulfulled this day upon my head in a measure for He said that
I should live to have posterity who should recieve the priesthood
& my oldest son received it this day under my hands
19th to 22nd I spent the time ploughing for wheat
23rd Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. H. C. Kimball
Preached in the forenoon & J M Grant in the afternoon. I Attended
meeting in the evening in the prayer circle
24 to 29 I spent this week ploughing & sowing wheat
old three wives 3 children & a lamanite Boy called Moroni
[FIGURE] I returned to My house & confirmed them all
18th March 1856 Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff & myself in
company with our two oldest children Wilford & Phebe
repaired to the house of the Lord that our children might
receive their endowment I washed & anointed my son Wilford
and ordained him to the office of an Elder & sealed upon him all
the Blessings of his ordination, Anointing, & my Birthright in
compliance with the council of President Kimball.
{The following is the synopsis of the blessing sealed upon the head of Wilford Woodruff by his father Wilford Woodruff}
several lines blank
I spent the day in the Council House & had an interesting day long
to be remembered for the Blessing that Father Joseph Smith the
Patriarch sealed upon my head before I had any children was
fulfulled this day upon my head in a measure for He said that
I should live to have posterity who should recieve the priesthood
& my oldest son received it this day under my hands
19th to 22nd I spent the time ploughing for wheat
23rd Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. H. C. Kimball
Preached in the forenoon & J M Grant in the afternoon I Attended
meeting in the evening in the prayer circle
24 to 29 I spent this week ploughing & sowing wheat
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," March 17, 1856 - March 28, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/nKY