The House occupied the lower room & the Senate the uper room
The Senate organized by aElecting John Taylor President T. W
Elebeck Chief Secretary & Patrick Lynch assistant secretary S. L. Sprague Messenger Robert Pierce Foreman, Joseph Young
Chaplain, Joseph Taylor sargent at Arms, A. P. Rockwood
was appointed speaker of the House. After we became organ-
ized A committee was appointed to wait upon the Govornor
and inform him we were ready to receive any communication
he wished to make to the general assembly. We went into Joint
Session whare Governor Brigham Young met us and delivered
unto us his message which was read by Wm Clayton. Voted
to print 500 copies for the benefit of the Legislature. The Lieut.
Gov. H. C. Kimball delivered an address, followed by D. H. Wells
President of the Convention. After which President B. Young
addressed the Assembly in a vary interesting manner. He said The Machine is now built in all its parts the wheel is now ready for
you to turn the water on & set the machine in motion or not
Just as you please. We have got to frame our own Governm[en]t
and govern ourselvers or we shall not be governed ownly by
the devel & wicked men and go to Hell together. Now I am
going to stick to the old ship of Zion and she will carry us
safe through. The wicked will sware to support the Constitution
of the United States but they will turn around and break the con-
stitution daily. The Constitution does not give the Congress
of the United States power to govern the people in a Territory
any more than in a state capacity they have the power to
admit states but not to form there government or send
officers to rule over them. I am willing that you should do
all that is necessary, appoint all the officers and set the Factory
in [motion] & see if we cannot make some cotton cloth. I have no fears
in the matter. If we will Bless ourselves the heavens will
bless us, if we will help ourselves God will help us and in
Him alone should we trust. The Joint assembly adjourned and
met in there separate rooms. The President then appointed the
standing committees. the minutes were read and the senate
adjourned till tomorrow 10 oclok
The House occupied the lower room & the Senate the uper room
The Senate organized byElecting John Taylor President T. W
Elebeck Chief Secretary & Patrick Lynch assistant secretary
S. L. Sprague Messenger Robert Pierce Foreman, Joseph Young
Chaplain, Joseph Taylor sargent at Arms, A. P. Rockwood
was appointed speaker of the House. After we became organized A, committee was appointed to wait upon the Govornor
and inform him we were ready to receive any communication
he wished to make to the general assembly. We went into Joint
Session whare Governor Brigham Young met us and delivered
unto us his message which was read by Wm Clayton. Voted
to print 500 copies for the benefit of the Legislature. The Lieut.
Gov. H. C. Kimball delivered an address, followed by D. H. Wells
President of the Convention. After which President B. Young
addressed the Assembly in a vary interesting manner. He said
[FIGURE] The Machine is now built in all its parts the wheel is now ready for
you to turn the water on & set the machine in motion or not
Just as you please. We have got to frame our own Government
and govern ourselves or we shall not be governed ownly by
the devel & wicked men and go to Hell together. Now I am
going to stick to the old ship of Zion and she will carry us
safe through. The wicked will sware to support the constitution
of the United States but they will turn around and break the constitution daily. The Constitution does not give the Congress
of the United States power to govern the people in a Territory
any more than in a state capacity they have the power to
admit states but not to form there government or send
officers to rule over them. I am willing that you should do
all that is necessary, appoint all the officers and set the Factory
in motion & see if we cannot make some cotton cloth. I have no fears
in the matter. If we will Bless ourselves the heavens will
bless us, if we will help ourselves God will help us and in
Him alone should we trust. The Joint assembly adjourned and
met in there separate rooms. The President then appointed the
standing committees. the minutes were read and the senate
adjourned till tomorrow 10 oclok
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," April 14, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025,