The Senate met at 10 oclok. The President of the Senate
made some remarks upon the Busines before us W. Woodruff
moved that we make a full organization of the State of
Deserete and put the machine in motion. The Senate then
went into a committe of the whole and discussed the subject
we attended to what business was before us then adjourned
till tomorrow 1 oclok. I attended the marriage ceremony
of a Brother Webb and Sister Horn daughter of Joseph
Horn President Young married them after which we part-
ook of an Exelent supper. We had a vary severe snow
storm from the west it snowed all night
~ Wednesday
16. The Earth was covered with snow this morning. I spent
the afternoon in the Senate. We met a short time in Joint
session and Elected two senators to Congress viz Wm H Hooper
& George Q Cannon. We Elected 3 supreme Judges. We done
much Business then adjourned till 1 oclok tomorrow
we had another snow storm at about 6 oclok we
have had a constant scene of snow & rain storm
up to this date I have never seen as late a spring
as we have had this season
16 I spent the afternoon in the senate we met at 1 oclok P.M. We performed
a good deal of Business passed all bills before us & cleared the table
we went into Joint Session and Elected two Senators viz Wm H Hooper
& George Q Cannon, And D. H. Wells Secretary of State, O Calder
Treasurer, Wm Clayton Auditer of Public Accounts, A Miner
Attorney General, Elias Smith Chief Justice, of the State of Deserett Z Snow Associate Justice S. M. Blair associate Justice.
We closed up our Deseret State Legislation & adjourned to meet
in Great Salt Lake City on the 3rd Monday in Jan 1863. I attended
the theater in the Evening
~ Friday
18 A plesant morning without any snow storm the first time we
have had a plesant day for a long time it has stormed almost every
day through the month I received 3 letters from Ozem WoodruffI F Carter & Copeland I met with the Quorum of the Twelve to partake of a Feast at John Taylors
~ Tuesday
April 15, 1862
The Senate met at 10 oclok. The President of the Senate
made some remarks upon the Busines before us W. Woodruff
moved that we make a full organization of the State of
Deserete and put the machine in motion. The senate then
went into a committee of the whole and discussed the subject
we attended to what business was before us then adjourned
till to morrow 1 oclok. I attended the marriage ceremony
of a Brother Webb and Sister Horn daughter of Joseph
Horn President Young married them after which we partook of an Exelent supper. We had a vary severe snow
storm from the west it snowed all night
~ Wednesday
16. The Earth was covered with snow this morning. I spent
the afternoon in the Senate, we met a short time in Joint
session and Elected two senators to Congress viz Wm H Hooper
& George Q Cannon. We Elected 3 supreme Judges. We done
much Business then adjourned till 1 oclok tomorrow
we had another snow storm at about 6 oclok we
have had a constant scene of snow & rain storm
up to this date I have never seen as late a spring
as we have had this season
16 I spent the afternoon in the senate we met at 1 oclok P.M. We performed
a good deal of Business passed all bills before us & cleared the table
we went into Joint Session and Elected two Senators viz Wm H Hooper
& George Q Cannon, And D. H. Wells Secretary of State, O Calder
Treasurer Wm Clayton Auditer of Public Accounts, A Miner
Attorney General, Elias Smith Chief Justice, of the State of DeserettZ Snow Associate Justice S. M. Blair associate Justice.
18 A Plesant morning without any snow storm the first time we
have had a plesant day for a long time it has stormed almost every
day through the month I received 3 letters from Ozem WoodruffI F Carter & Copeland
[FIGURE] I met with the Quorum of the Twelve to partake of a Feast at John Taylors
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," April 15, 1862 - April 18, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025,