to assist us to live our religion when we had the gospel of salvation
and the Holy Priesthood and it was our fault if we did not live our
religion for we had the means of doing so in our hands it would be like
our sitting down to a great feast & then ask the Lord to Feed us.
Elder Taylor & myself spent the night at Brother Ames
~ Tuesday
12 A plesant morning we left wellsville & rode over the mountain
to Brigham City, whare we arived at 3 oclock Elder Snow made a
short speech to the people, said the people were cooking for the camp
they would give us the best they had. The Presidency with their
families took there meals with Elder Snow & president Young spent
the night with him I spent the night with him President Young told
the following dream which he had last night. He said I dreamed
that I was in a room with Phineas Young and I saw a smooth
faced young man setting beside him I asked Phineas who it
was He replyed this is the saviour, (I did not believe it) I smiled
and said I wonder if he is the saviour Phineas said he was I then
asked the person if he was the Savoor He said he was. I asked him
if [so] how halong have you been here He said 14 days. I said have you
a wife. He said yes this is my wife pointing to a woman dressed
in black with a thick dark vail over her face said this is my wife
I thought it a funny idea I felt that I wanted to prove him soon
the woman vanished and he turned into a woman himself then I
awoke and the thought came to me that it was a representatin
of young Joseph & Emma Smith who had undertook to Esstablished
a church, but it was upon fals groungd & principles in oposition to
the true Church of Christ. I was satisfied he was not the saviour
I received a letter from Mrs Woodruff who stated that sister Cunningham was quite sick & wished to know when he was coming
home. Brother Cunningham was anxious to start for home immedi-
ately But President Young told him he would not advise him to do it
"my feelings are that she will be better and on his return home next
day he found it to be so. President Young spoke of the order of the travelling
camp said he had never seen a camp move with greater order
and Decorum there was no organization yet every man took his
place & kept it and all had moved in perfect harmony & with a good
spirit which showed the improvemet of the Saints
to assist us to live our religion when we had the gospel of salvation
and the Holy Priesthood and it was our fault if we did not live our
religion for we had the means of doing so in our hands it would be like
our sitting down to a great feast & then ask the Lord to Feed us.
Elder Taylor & myself spent the night at Brother Ames
~ Tuesday
12 A plesant morning we left wellsville & rode over the mountain
to Brigham City, whare we arived at 3 oclock. Elder Snow made a
short speech to the people said the people were cooking for the camp
they would give us the best they had. The Presidency with their
families took there meals with Elder Snow & president Young spent
the night with him I spent the night with him President Young told
the following dream which he had last night. He said I dreamed
that I was in a room with Phineas Young and I saw a smooth
faced young man setting beside him I asked Phineas who it
was He replyed this is the saviour, (I did not believe it) I smiled
and said I wonder if he is the saviour Phineas said he was I then
asked the person if he was the Savoor He said he was. I asked him
if so how long have you been here He said 14 days. I said have you
a wife, He said yes this is my wife pointing to a woman dressed
in black with a thick dark veil over her face said this is my wife
I thought it a funny idea I felt that I wanted to prove him soon
the woman vanished and he turned into a woman himself then I
awoke and the thought came to me that it was a representation
of young Joseph & Emma Smith who had undertook to Esstablished
a church, but it was upon fals groungd & principles in oposition to
the true Church of Christ. I was satisfied he was not the saviour
[FIGURE] I received a letter from Mrs Woodruff who stated that sister
Cunningham was quite sick & wished to know when he was coming
home. Brother Cunningham was anxious to start for home immediately But President Young told him he would not advise him to do it
"my feelings are that she will be better" and on his return home next
day he found it to be so. President Young spoke of the order of the travelling
camp said he had never seen a camp move with greater order
and Decorum there was no organization yet evry man took his
place & kept it and all had moved in perfect harmony & with a good
spirit which showed the improvement of the Saints
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," June 11, 1860 - June 12, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 1, 2025,