2nd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House. I sealed
13 couple I spent the afternoon at home
~ Friday
3rd I attended the grand Union Ball in the Theater it being
the Largerst party I ever attended. 40 cotillons were on the
floor at once I staid till near 2 oclok the party did not break up
untill near midnight
~ Saturday
July 4. President Wells Barn burned up to day a large body
of people were gathered together to put out the fire
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I rode to Fort Harriman & held a meeting in the
evening it is vary hot & dry the whole range is burned up
~ Monday
6. I spent the fore part of the day putting up the polls of my
carrall which the people had scattered around. in the Afternoon
I took Delight & Marion & drove back to the city 45 mils
8. We have 90º of Heat in the shade I spent a part of the day in
the office Journalizing the remainder of the time at home
~ Thursday
9 The heat is vary oppressive, the Earth is parching up
I visited the Presidency, they were preparing to start
for Ogden on the morrow
~ Friday
10. The Presidency started for Ogden to day. I watered
my Garden but left a good deal of vegitation burning up
~ Saturday
11. I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to about 60 persons I sealed 37 couples
~ Sunday
12 Sunday it is a vary hot day I spent the fore noon
in the office writing Letters I received a letter from My son Wilford who was at Florence I wrote 2 letters to Wilford Woodruff jr & my daughter Phebe A Snow. I
met in the Evening with D A & M Society to get out the premium List
~ Monday
13. I commenced Haying to day I mowed about half an acre
~ Tuesday
14 I watered my garden to day
~ Wednesday
July 1st1863
I spent the day mostly in my garden
~ Thursday
2nd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House I sealed
13 couple I spent the afternoon at home
~ Friday
3rd [FIGURE] I attended the grand Union Ball in the Theater it being
the Largerst party I ever attended. 40 cotillons were on the
floor at once I staid till near 2 oclok the party did not break up
untill near midnight
~ Saturday
July 4. President Wells Barn burned up to day a large body
of People were gathered together to put out the fire
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I rode to Fort Herriman & held a meeting in the
Evening it is vary hot & dry the whole range is burned up
~ Monday
6th I spent the fore part of the day putting up the polls of my
carrall which the people had scattered around. in the Afternoon
I took Delight & Marion & drove back to the city 45 mils
~ Tuesday
7. [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from Mrs S. C. Moulton & Phebe Snow
I took supper with President Young, & walked with him through
the Temple Block. He presented his view of the Temple in Jackson
County Missouri. Emma Wardle who was living with us
had a vary severe attack of the Cholera Morbus was vary sick
we administered to her by the laying on of hands & other means
~ Wednesday
8. We have 90º of Heat in the shade I spent a part of the day in
the office Journalizing the remainder of the time at home
~ Thursday
9 The heat is vary oppressive, the Earth is parching up
I visited the Presidency, they were preparing to start
for Ogden on the morrow
~ Friday
10. The Presidency started for Ogden to day I watered
my Garden but left a good deal of vegitation burning up
~ Saturday
11. I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to about 60 persons I sealed 37 couples
~ Sunday
12 Sunday it is a vary hot day I spent the fore noon
in the office writing Letters I received a letter from
[FIGURE] My Son Wilford who was at Florence I wrote 2 letters
[FIGURE] to Wilford Woodruff jr & my daughter Phebe A Snow I
met in the Evening with D A & M Society to get out the premium List
~ Monday
13. I commenced Haying to day I mowed about half an acre
~ Tuesday
14 I watered my garden to day
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," July 1, 1863 - July 14, 1863, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Nxzp