Sept 23 ^1860^
Sunday I attended a Funeral of Sister Nancy Kent the oldest sister
of Brigham Young She died Sept 22nd 1860 Aged 74 years old 3rd Aug 1860 John was 69, May 22nd May 1860 Phineas 61, 16 Feb 1860, Joseph 7th April 1860, 64 years old Brigham was 59, June 1st 1860, Lorenzo 54, 19th Oct 1860.
Meeting opened By singing "Ear long the veil" vPrayer By Joseph Young
John Young then spoke and said {I} fell [feel] to acknowledge the Hand of God
in this thing. I dont fell this to be a matter of mo^u^rning though we feel
to mis the society of our Friends when taken away, but we must follow our sister
soon, and I pray that I may be as well prepared as she is. Nancy was the
oldest of the Family and the last of the sisters that was taken away She is in
her 75 year 57 years since she was married and she has always been
a good woman and always kind to all. I dont know as I ever knew her
get out of the way she hag [had] good gifts and she received the gospel the first
time she recieveditherd it she has been faithful to the last and now gone to
the spirit world I have not the power to make manifest that which is in
me we must do the best we can in this life & in the next we shall
receive a fulness but before I go home I want to have my work done
so that I can breath out my spirit in peace into the Hands of God. I
want to use my time so that I have nothing to repent off. I want to
live to do my work for If we leave our work to be done by somebody
els to do it will be a long time before it is done Like an Elder going on a
mission leaves work to be done by some one Els it is undone.
Phineas Young said I have been Edified in what has been said yet
there has been Nothing said that I want to say. when my Friends
die I want to speak of them If I was to say which of my sisters is
the best I coold not tell, the last is gone, and the Brothers have got to follow
but I dont know who will go first. But if I was to make a choice &
chuse the one that has done the least good in the world or the one that was
still likely to do the least good on the Earth it would be myself. I would
like to go to the spirit world & be with my sisters I dont expect to do much
good in this life yet I feel that I have done about the best I could.
I dont want to live my life over again to try to Better it for I
dont expect I should. I dont want to live any longer than it is
the will of God I should
Sept 23 1860
Sunday I attended a Funeral of Sister Nancy Kent the oldest sister
of Brigham Young she died Sept 22nd 1860 Aged 74 years old 3rd Aug 1860
John was 69, May 22nd May 1860 Phineas 61, 16 Feb 1860,
Joseph 7th April 1860, 64 years old Brigham was 59, June 1, 1860,
Lorenzo 54, 19, Oct 1860.
Meeting opened By singing "Ear long the veil"Prayer By Joseph Young
John Young then spoke and said v I feel to acknowledge the Hand of God
in this thing. I dont fell this to be a matter of mourning though we feel
to mis the society of our Friends when taken away, but we must follow our sister
soon, and I pray that I may be as well prepared as she is. Nancy was the
oldest of the Family and the last of the sisters that was taken away she is in
her 75 year 57 years since she was married and she has always been
a good woman and always kind to all. I dont know as I ever knew her
get out of the way she had good gifts and she received the gospel the first
time sheherd it she has been faithful to the last and now gone to
the spirit world I have not the power to make manifest that which is in
me we must do the best we can in this life & in the next we shall
receive a fulness but before I go home I want to have my work done
so that I can breath out my spirit in peace into the Hands of God. I
want to use my time so that I have nothing to repent off. I want to
live to do my work for If we leave our work to be done by somebody
els to do it will be a long time before it is done Like an Elder going on a
mission leaves work to be done By some one Els it is undone.
Phineas Young said I have been Edified in what has been said yet
there has been Nothing said that I want to say, when my Friends
die I want to speak of them If I was to say which of my sisters is
the best I coold not tell, the last is gone, and the Brothers have got to follow
but I dont know who will go first. But if I was to make a choice &
chuse the one that has done the least good in the world or the one that was
still likely to do the least good on the Earth it would be myself. I would
like to go to the spirit world & be with my sisters I dont expect to do much
good in this life yet I feel that I have done about the best I could.
I dont want to live my life over again to try to Better it for I
dont expect I should. I dont want to live any longer than it is
the will of God I should
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"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," September 23, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,