6th I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts
to about 50. I sealed 17 couple & presid[en]t Young 15 couple I spent a
short time in the office
~ Saturday
7 I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts to
62 persons I sealed 33 couple. I went to the Historians office & spent
a short time. Governor Dawson arived in this city last night to
be in readiness to deliver his message at the opening of the Legislature
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Arza Hinkley open
by Prayer W. Woodruff was mouth I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle H. Stout, Wm. Crosby & John Taylor Preachesd in the forenoon & J V
Long in the afternoon. My son David Patten was kicked by a Mule in
the head & was carried into the House for dead & it was several minuts
before he showed signs of life He vomited a good deal of Blood. I
^^ Examined his head & found the skull not Broak I spent the afternoon
with him He was better at night I spent the evening at Presid[en]t Youngs & the Historians Office
~ Monday
9 The Legislature Met to day Appointed A committee to wait upon
the Govornor &c &c.
~ Tuesday
10. I attended the Legislator. The two Houses met in Joint session *
~ Wednesday
11 I went down into the field & sowed 5 Acres of swamp land to readd top seed
I spent the evening at Presidents Youngsoffice * I also spent the evening of the
(10th) at President Youngs office when President Young Expressed his views
vary plainly upon the Govornors Message. He said if I was the president or
speaker of the Legislator I would not refer the message to any committee or say one word about it I hope there will be nothing said about it in the Legislator
at all. They want us to pay taxes & next they will want us to send
a thousand men to the war. What will they do about the taxes the people
have not the money they would have to take wheat & Lumber & such
things as the people have if they get any thing but they will not collect
the taxes Here neither will they get 1000 men to go into the Armey they
would spend one million of Dollars by sending an armey here to collect
thirty thousand dollars taxes they have sought our Destruction all the day
long why do they not pay othere own debts they destroyed there armey
6th I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to about 50. I sealed 17 couple & president Young 15 couple I spent a
short time in the offic
~ Saturday
7 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
62 persons I sealed 33 couple. I went to the Historians office & spent
a short time. Governor Dawson arived in this city last night to
be in readiness to deliver his message at the opening of the Legislature
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Arza Hinkley open
by Prayer W. Woodruff was mouth I attended the meeting at the TabernacleH. Stout, J V
Long in the afternoon. My son David Patten was kicked by a Mule in
the head & was carried into the House for dead & it was several minuts
before he showed signs of life He vomited a good deal of Blood. I
[FIGURE] Examined his head & found the skull not Broak I spent the afternoon
with him He was better at night I spent the evening at President
Youngs & the Historians Office
~ Monday
9 [FIGURE] The Legislature Met to day Appointed A committee to wait upon
the Govornor &c &c.
~ Tuesday
10. I attended the Legislator. The two Houses met in Joint session *
~ Wednesday
11 I went down into the field & sowed 5 Acres of swamp land to red top seed
I spent the evening at Presidents Youngsoffice * I also spent the evening of the
(10th) at President Youngs office when President Young Expressed his views
vary plainly upon the Govornors Message. He said if I was the president or
speaker of the Legislator I would not refer the message to any committee or say
[FIGURE] one word about it. I hope there will be nothing said about it in the Legislator
at all. They want us to pay taxes & next they will want us to send
a thousand men to the war. What will they do about the taxes the people
have not the money they would have to take wheat & Lumber & such
things as the people have if they get any thing but they will not collect
the taxes Here neither will they get 1000 men to go into the Armey they
would spend one million of Dollars by sending an armey here to collect
thirty thousand dollars taxes they have sought our Destruction all the day
long why do they not paythere own debts they destroyed there army
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," December 3, 1861 - December 11, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 26, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/xG4l