A Synopsis of my Labors in 1861.
I Travelled with President & Company
Through the Southern Country 904 Miles
I attended public Meetings 90 Meetings
I Preached 25 discourses 25 Discourses
I Attended two General Conferences 2 Conferences
I Attended 45 Prayer Circles 45 Prayer Circle
I spent 45 days in the 45 Endowment House
I spent 22 days in Legislative Council 22 Legislative C.
I Officiated in Ordaining 24 High Council
I OrdainedEleven High Priest 11 High Priest
I Ordained 5 Seventies 5 Seventies
I Ordained 2 Elders 2 Elders
I sealed at the Endowment H. 358 Couple
I Married One Couple 1 Couple
I Confirmed six persons 6 Confirmed
I Blessed Nine Missionaries 9 Missionaries
I wrote 24 Letters 24 Letters W
I Received 7 Letters 7 Letters R
I Dedicated 2 school Houses 2 School Houses D
I Paid my tithing amounting to $300 dollars