Day in the Life

Dec 31, 1861

Journal Entry

December 31, 1861 ~ Tuesday

31st I spent the day in the office looking over my Journal

This is the last day of 1861 which has past and gone
and borne its report to heaven of the deeds of all Nations
and men. This year has brought to pass much of the
fulfillment of the predictions of the Ancient and Modern
Prophets of God. See this Journal DecJan 31st 1861 I there
declaired as a Prophetic Historian that this year would
be the most distressing year America Ever sayw since they
were an independant Nation time has proven it so

Five states viz Missisippi, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, & Florida
seceded from from the Union in January the first month
of the year Texas seceded in Febuary. then followed North
, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia, and A part of
Missouri have all seceded during 1861. This has brought
on a terrible war upon the Nation both North & South have
rushed to armes untill the North alone has over six hundred
thousand men under arms and the South near the same
number of men. this war has cost the Northern States some
Five Hundred Millions of Dollars during the past year and many
thousands of lives and this is ownly the Begining of trouble
the close of 1862 will leave America with a debt upon
her shoulders of One Billion dollars a debt as large as the
debt of England. The state of Missouri whare the Saints
have received there persecutions is now the great Battlefield
of the west. it is now man against man & neighbor against Neighbor
they who have spoiled the Saints are now being spoiled
Independance, & Jackson County Missouri, is nearly destroyed
is is the case with many parts of the State. The Lord has
taken peace from the Earth and all Nations are still prepar-
ing for war. The Lord has pointed out the fate of this Nation
in the Book of Mormon and Doctrins & Covenants
He has said that when they became ripened in iniquity
they should be cut off, that day has come there cup
of iniquity is full, the whole Nation Rulers and people
are filled with corruption befor God And the presi-
& Senate of the United States are sending men
to Utah to rule over this people as a Govornor & Judges

who are so corrupt that they are a Hiss & bye word and
a stink in the Norstrills of all people in the streets. John
W. Dawson
was sent By President Lincoln to Utah as
there Governor He arived in Great Salt Lake City on the
7 of Dec. Delivered his miessage on the 10th to the Utah
and immediately commenced a scene of
debauchery and insulted women untill the widow of
Thomas Williams drove him out of her house with a fire
shovel because ^of^ his vulgar abuse to her, and He has left
this city for the East this day in the mail stage a disgraced
debauched Libertine, he left because He could not hold
up his head in the streets and look the people in the face
because ohif his crimes. These are the kingd of rulers the
Gentiles send to rule over Israel and Israel Begins to
Feel that it is time to rise up and appoint her own
Governors, Judges & Rulers & trust in God for the EResult.
The American Nation as a United States Governm[en]t is doomed
To destruction and No power can save it. They have forfeited
all right and title to redemption or salvation at the Hand of
the Lord or his Saints it is decreed that the measure which they
have meeted out unto the Saints shall be meetied unto them and
they are hastening unto there work of desolation, war, Bloodshed,
& destruction and wo, wo, is ther doom. The spirit of Prophecy
would cry O, Lord, Hasten thy work, let the wicked slay the wicked
untill the whole land is clensed from the corruption, sin,
abominations, and wickedness which now reigns upon the face
of the whole Earth. May thy Judgments continue to be poured
out upon this land of North America untill the Blood of Prophets
& Saints is avenged before the Lord and thy words fulfilled
upon the Land of Joseph. Take away the sceptre rule and
Government from the wicked & corrupt and give it into the
Hands of the Just even thy saints, that they may rule in
righteousness before thee. Give thy oppressed people O Lord
the privilege of appointing there own Governor, Judges, and
Rulers from this time forth that thy Kingdom may be Esstab-
lished upon the Earth, and the poor rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

A Synopsis of my Labors in 1861. I Travelled with President Young & Company Through the Southern Country 904 Miles I attended public Meetings 90 Meetings I Preached 25 discourses 25 Discourses I Attended two General Conferences 2 Conferences I Attended 45 Prayer Circles 45 Prayer Circles I spent 45 days in the Endowm[en]t House 45 Endowment House I spent 22 days in Legislative Council 22 Legislative C. I Officiated in Ordaining 24 High Council I Ordained 11Eleven High Priest 11 High Priest I Ordained 5 Seventies 5 Seventies I Ordained 2 Elders 2 Elders I sealed at the Endowment H. 358 Couple I Married One Couple 1 Couple I Confirmed six persons 6 Confirmed I Blessed Nine Missionaries 9 Missionaries I wrote 24 Letters 24 Letters W I Received 7 Letters 7 Letters R I Dedicated 2 school Houses 2 School Houses D I Paid my tithing amounting to $300 dollars




Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Lincoln, Abraham
12 Feb 1809 - 15 Apr 1865
32 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Williams, Albina M. Merrill
25 Jul 1826 - 28 Nov 1914
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3457 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Williams, Thomas Stephen
2 Jan 1827 - 18 Mar 1860


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Now go to & dedicate your hearts & your houses and all you have unto God. I feel to bless you in the name of the Lord. We are in a world of sin, darkness & temptation, and any man who will not be faithful to this life how can He Expect to obtain Eternal Life.
~ Brigham Young
This is the last day of 1861 which has past and gone and borne its report to heaven of the deeds of all Nations and men. This year has brought to pass much of the fulfillment of the predictions of the Ancient and Modern `Prophets of God. See this Journal DecJan 1st 1861 I there declaired as a Prophetic Historian that this year would be the most distressing year America Ever sayw since they were an independant Nation time has proven it so Five States viz Missisippi, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana & Florida seceded from from the Union in January the first month of the year. Texas seceded in Febuary. then followed North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia, and A part of Missouri have all seceded during 1861. This has brought on a terrible war upon the Nation both North & South have rushed to armes untill the North alone has over six hundred thousand men under arm and the South near the same number of men. this war has cost the Northern States some Five Hundred Millions of Dollars during the past year and many thousands of lives and this is ownly the Begining of trouble the close of 1862 will leave America with a debt upon her shoulders of One Billion dollars a debt as large as the debt of England. The State of Missouri whare the saints have received there persecutions is now the great Battlefield of the West. it is now man against man & neighbor against Neighbor they who have spoiled the saints are now being spoiled Independance, & Jackson County Missouri, is nearly destroyed is is the case with many parts of the State. The Lord has taken peace from the Earth and all Nations are Still prepar ing for war. The Lord has pointed out the fate of this Nation in the Book of Mormon and Doctrins & Covenants
~ Wilford Woodruff
Israel Begins to Feel that it is time to rise up and appoint her own Governors, Judges & Rulers & trust in God for the Result The American Nation as a United States Government is doomed To destruction and No power can save it. They have forfeited all right and title to Redemption or Salvation at the Hand of the Lord or his saints it is decreed that the measure which they have meeted out unto the saints shall be meetied unto them and they are hastening unto there work of desolation, war, Bloodshed, & destruction and wo, wo, is ther doom. The spirit of Prophecy would cry O, Lord, Hasten thy work, let the wicked slay the wicked untill the whole land is clensed from the corruption, sin, abomination, and wickedness which now reigns upon the face of the whole Earth. May thy Judgments Continue to be poured out upon this land of North America untill the Blood of Prophets & Saints is avenged before the Lord and thy words fulfilled upon the Land of Joseph. Take away the sceptre rule and Government from the wicked & corrupt and give it into the Hands of the Just even thy saints, that they may rule in righteousness before thee. Give thy oppressed people O Lord the privilege of appointing there own Governor, Judges, and Rulers, from this time forth that thy Kingdom may be Esstab- lished upon the Earth, and the poor rejoice in the Holy One of Israel
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Council (Legislature) of the State of Deseret meets simultaneously with Utah Territorial Legislature.

Dec 31, 1861