Washington to Block up Hoopers way they want to get Harris
Elected Govornor and all Gentiles officers. He said He was
satisfied that if they were fi not fighting us they would
Each other they would fight us Bennet of the Herald
advised Hooper to recommend to Utah to orge organize an independant
state government if the president did not give us our own officers
He said we should have many to sustain us in it. In speaking of
the war in the United States President Young said the North would
find much treachery among there armies Anderson is playing a
a deep game, and his fight at Sumpter is all a sham he will try
to get influence in the North untill He can get the command of
an armey to deliver to the South and many play this game
The Nations would like to use us up but they cannot do it
~ Monday
22 I attended a surgical operation at 11 oclok today Dr Anderson
cut out a fleshy tumor near the armpit of Sister Daniel Thomas
near the size of a tea cup, she was under the influence of cloriform
I spent most of the day in the office
24. I ploughed one Acre in the field at Fort Harriman & sowed 3
3 Bushels of oats I visited some of my stock in the evening
~ Thursday
25 I returned back to G. S. L. City to day it was exceding wind 25 m[iles]
~ Friday
26 It is vary cold to day. I read the last pony dispatch which goes to
show that the United States North & South are going to war in
Earnest the Confederate States are raising some 75000 men as is
also the Northern States I called at Presidents Youngsoffice & took
some Notes of the company going East to bring the Saints there is over
200 waggons started East drawn by 4 yoke of oxen Each they carry
150000 lbs of flour to feed the Emigration on the road they have four
captains Joseph W. YoungIra EldridgeJoseph Horn & John R. Murdock
Each carrying a letter of Instructions to govern him on the trip
~ Saturday
27 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowm[en]ts to some 35 persons I spent the afternoon in the office
Journalizing. The Pony Express arived at 8 oclok P.M. I herd it
read at President Youngsoffice it was vary interesting. The Massachu-
usetts troops were attacked By the citizens of Baltimore 3 soldiers
killed & 11 citizens civil war has commenced there has many
Washington to Block up Hoopers way they want to get Harris
Elected Govornor and all Gentiles officers. He said He was
satisfied that if they were not fighting
Each other they would fight us Bennet of the Herald
advised Hooper to recommend to Utah to organize an independant
state government if the president did not give us our own officers
He said we should have many to sustain us in it. In speaking of
the war in the United States President Young said the North would
find much treachery among there armies Anderson is playing a
a deep game, and his fight at sumpter is all a sham he will try
to get influence in the North untill He can get the command of
an armey to deliver to the South and many play this game
The Nations would like to use us up but they cannot do it
~ Monday
22 I attended a surgical operation at 11 oclok today Dr Anderson
cut out a fleshy tumor near the armpit of Sister Daniel Thomas
near the size of a tea cup, she was under the influence of cloriform
I spent most of the day in the office
24. I ploughed one Acre in the field at Fort Harriman & sowed 3
3 Bushels of oats I visited some of my stock in the evening
~ Thursday
25 I returned back to G. S. L. City to day it was exceeding wind 25 miles
~ Friday
26 It is vary cold to day. I read the last pony dispatch which goes to
show that the United States North & South are going to war in
Earnest the Confederate States are raising some 75000 men as is
also the Northern States I called at Presidents Youngsoffice & took
some Notes of the company going East to bring the saints there is over
200 waggons started East drawn by 4 yoke of oxen Each they carry
150000 lbs of flour to feed the Emigration on the road they have four
captains Joseph W. YoungIra EldridgeJoseph Horn & John R. Murdock
Each carrying a letter of Instructions to govern him on the trip
~ Saturday
27 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to some 35 persons I spent the afternoon in the office
Journalizing. The Pony Express arived at 8 oclok P.M. I herd it
read at President Youngsoffice it was vary interesting. The Massachuusetts troops were attacked By the citizens of Baltimore 3 soldiers
killed & 11 citizens civil war has commenced there has many
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"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," April 21, 1861 - April 27, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/pgAV