was presented to President Young to pick out the High Council & He named
six of them & Brother Farr nominated the other six atfter they were ordained
the spirit & power of God rested upon me & I spoke to them about half
an hour upon the subjet of the Priesthood & the magnifying of that Priesthood
and meeting all responsibilities required at hour hands all deeply felt the
power of God that was present I exhorted them to temperance & every good
word & work which would exhalt them before God Elder Taylor followed
& made some good remarks We went to Brother Wests & spent the night
~ Monday
11th Bishop Wests took us into his sleigh and drove us to South Webber
whare we had an appointment to regulate that Branch of the Church the Bishop was in apostacy & was leading away others. they had got away others
a New Prophet to slide out of the Church upon. We had a large assembly of
saints from other Places Bishop Cook came in & opened the way by singing
& Prayer I then called upon Bishop Richard Cook to speak and
requested him to tell us his feelings if he believed in Joseph Morris as
a Prophet to tell us so, & to tell us what his feelings were in relation to the
Presidency of the Church. He arose & spoke some time without touching the
subject. I again requested him to come to the point He then "said "yes I do
Believe in Richa Joseph Morris as a Prophet whom God has raised up
to lead this Church & kingdom agreeable to the Revelatin in the Doctrins & Covenants which says I will raise up unto you a Prophet
like unto Moses &c I do not Believe that Brigham Young is a prophet
or has ever had any revelation or inspiration more than any sectari-
an Priest, & I believe this Church will ownly be known in name in
10 years unless God does raise up a Prophet" when he closed several
of his party got up & Bore the same testimony we then sent for there fals Prophet & called upon him to speak. he spoke about half an hour He
said Brigham Young was not a prohhet & Joseph Smith did not hold the Keys of the Priesthood & was ordained of man while He Joseph Morris was
ordained of the Father, & held six times more keys of the Priesthood than
Joseph did He said he was the seventhAngel, & much other nonsens he
Presented before the Assembly. when He got through Elder Taylor spoke
to the Assembly & showed thbrother Cook the position He was in. He bore
testimony that Brigham Young was a prophet of God & he said that He whim-
self was more of a Prophet than Morris was. Brigham Young in saying
was presented to President Young to pick out the High Council & He named
six of them & Brother Farr nominated the other six after they were ordained
the spirit & power of God rested upon me & I spoke to them about half
an hour upon the subjet of the Priesthood & the magnifying of that Priesthood
and meeting all responsibilities required atour hands all deeply felt the
power of God that was present I exhorted them to temperance & every good
word & work which would exhalt them before God. Elder Taylor followed
& made some good remarks. We went to Brother Wests & spent the night
[FIGURE] 11th Bishop Wests took us into his sleigh and drove us to South Webber
whare we had an appointment to regulate that Branch of the Church the
Bishop was in apostacy & was leading away others, they had got
a New Prophet to slide out of the Church upon. We had a large assembly of
saints from other Places. Bishop Cook came in & opened the way by singing
& Prayer I then called upon Bishop Richard Cook to speak and
requested him to tell us his feelings if he believed in Joseph Morris as
a Prophet to tell us so, & to tell us what his feelings were in relation to the
Presidency of the Church. He arose & spoke some time without touching the
subject. I again requested him to come to the point He then "said "yes I do
Believe in Joseph Morris as a Prophet whom God has raised up
to lead this Church & Kingdom agreeable to the Revelation in the
Doctrins & Covenants which says I will raise up unto you a Prophet
like unto Moses &c I do not Believe that Brigham Young is a prophet
or has ever had any revelation or inspiration more than any sectarian Priest, & I believe this Church will ownly be known in name in
10 years unless God does raise up a Prophet." When he closed several
of his party got up & Bore the same testimony we then sent for there
fals Prophet & called upon him to speak, he spoke about half an hour He
said Brigham Young was not a prophet & Joseph Smith did not hold the
Keys of the Priesthood & was ordained of man while He Joseph Morris was
ordained of the Father, & held six times more keys of the Priesthood than
Joseph did He said he was the seventhAngel, & much other nonsens he
Presented before the Assembly, when He got through Elder Taylor spoke
to the Assembly & showedbrother Cook the Position He was in. He bore
testimony that Brigham Young was a prophet of God & he said that He himself was more of a Prophet than Morris was. Brigham Young in saying
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," February 10, 1861 - February 11, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Y6L2