Judge Kenny was in the chair at 9 oclok at 15 minuts
past the court opened Mr Miner called upon the clerk to
read the affidavits which was read & Accused the three pris-
ioners of Murder viz Clemguard, Cook, & Parsons. They
were asked if they were ready for trial they said yes. Robert
Burton was sworn & bore the same Testimony that He did yesterday
Richard Cook asked Burton if He did not recollect of his coming
to him on the square & ask to be shot. Burton said I did not
recognize you though some did ask to be shot but we did not
see fit to shoot any one after the surrender. Mr Ross also
gave his testimony. Clemgard said, I went to Ross and
asked to be slain and save the people Ross said that was
true. Jones one that was imprisioned testified that Clemgard
was the commanding General of their forces during all their
trainings. Dr Clinton gave his testimony Cunningham
& Golden gave their testim[on]y. Burton & Ross both
testified that Clemguard said he was the commander
in Chief of all the forces. Jones testified that Christian
Nelson was capt of 12 men in the fight which He
acknowledged He was then taken into custidy as a Murderer
Judge Kiney made some remarks then committed
Clemguard & Nelson to safe keeping in prision untill
the sitting of the next term of court. Richard Cook
was sentenced to 30 days imprisionm[en]t & a fine of $50
for contempt of court also Cook & Parsons were
bound over to appear at the next term of court under
Bonds of $1500 Each. The court then adjourned sine die
~ Friday
20 I spent most of the day in preparing waggon teams
& Harness for the men to go the canyon
~ Saturday
21 I spent the fore noon in the Endowm[en]t House. we gave
[endowments] to 29 persons. D. H. Wells sealed 15 couple.
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I Prayed
& A. Hinkley was mouth. I attended meeting through the day E. T. BensonG. A. Smith & H. C. Kimball Preached in the morning
& Ira J. Willis & Levi Jackman in the afternoon. I attended the
prayer circle alone as all the Twelve but myself was gone {I had a poor night.} ****
~ Thursday
June19th 1862
Judge Kenny was in the chair at 9 oclok at 15 minuts
past the Court opened Mr Miner called upon the Clerk to
read the affidavits which was read & Accused the three prisioners of Murder viz Clemguard, Cook, & Parson. They
were asked if they were ready for trial they said yes. Robert
Burton was sworn & bore the same Testimony that He did yesterday
Richard Cook asked Burton if He did not recollect of his coming
to him on the square & ask to be shot. Burton said I did not
recognize you though some did ask to be shot but we did not
see fit to shoot any one after the surrender. Mr Ross also
gave his testimony. Clemgard said, I went to Ross and
asked to be slain and save the people Ross said that was
true. Jones one that was imprisioned testified that Clemgard
was the commanding General of their forces during all their
trainings. Dr Clinton gave his testimony Cunningham
& Golden gave their testimony. Burton & Ross both
testified that Clemguard said he was the Commander
in Chief of all the forces. Jones testified that Christian
Nelson was Capt of 12 men in the fight which He
acknowledged He was then taken into custidy as a Murderer
Judge Kiney made some remarks then committed
Clemguard & Nelson to safe keeping in prision untill
the sitting of the next term of court. Richard Cook
was sentenced to 30 days imprisionment & a fine of $50
for contempt of court also Cook & Parsons were
bound over to appear at the next term of court under
Bonds of $1500 Each. The court then adjourned sine die
~ Friday
20 I spent most of the day in preparing waggon teams
& Harness for the men to go the canyon
~ Saturday
21 I spent the fore noon in the Endowment House. we gave
endowments to 29 persons. D. H. Wells sealed 15 couple.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," June 19, 1862 - June 22, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/k5A5