souls into the Church than any one man in the Church; I do not know how
that is. I brought two thousand into the Church in the south of -
in , &c., in 1840; but I never felt to boast or to take any
credit to myself in any of these things, for it was God not Wilfeord
Woodruff that did it. Yet I felt it was a great blessing to be an
instrument in the hands of God of performing siuch a work. So I look upon
you young brethren who are sent now to the nations of the earth to and save the souls of men. No greater or more glorious work
could be called to. Therefore, my dear brother, take hold with all
your might. Call upon the Lord in mighty prayer for the Holy Ghost to
be with you to give you power to preach the Gospel and give you souls in
search of your ministry, and the Lord will hear your prayers and give
you power to accomplish a good mission which will be a satisfaction to
yourself and your friends and acceptable unto God who has called you.
And this applies not only to yourself, but to every Elder with you, and
all who are in the vineyard of the Lord. Therefore, fear not, but labor
faithfully to prune the vineyard once more for the last time and prepare
the earth for the coming of the Son of Man. Avoid all evil, resist all
temptations, and the angels of God will be your constant companions.
Give my love and blessing to Prest. and wife and all the
Elders with you. I am interested in the welfare of every Elder laboring
in the vineyard of the Lord.
died last week, and will be buried on
Sunday. I would be glad to hear from you and know how you are getting
along. Sister , and join me in love to you and Bro.
and Sister .
From your Brother in the Gospel,
Wilford Woodruff
souls into the Church than any one man in the Church; I do not know how
that is. I brought two thousand into the Church in the south of Englandin , &c., in 1840; but I never felt to boast or to take any
credit to myself in any of these things, for it was God not Wilford
Woodruff that did it. Yet I felt it was a great blessing to be an
instrument in the hands of God of performing such a work. So I look upon
you young brethren who are sent now to the nations of the earth to preach
the gospel and save the souls of men. No greater or more glorious work
could you be called to. Therefore, my dear brother, take hold with all
your might. Call upon the Lord in mighty prayer for the Holy Ghost to
be with you to give you power to preach the Gospel and give you souls in
search of your ministry, and the Lord will hear your prayers and give
you power to accomplish a good mission which will be a satisfaction to
yourself and your friends and acceptable unto God who has called you.
And this applies not only to yourself, but to every Elder with you, and
all who are in the vineyard of the Lord. Therefore, fear not, but labor
faithfully to prune the vineyard once more for the last time and prepare
the earth for the coming of the Son of Man. Avoid all evil, resist all
temptations, and the angels of God will be your constant companions.
Give my love and blessing to Prest. and and all the
Elders with you. I am interested in the welfare of every Elder laboring
in the vineyard of the Lord.
Spencer Clawson's died last week and will be buried on
Sunday. I would be glad to hear from you and know how you are getting
along. Sister Woodruff, and join me in love to you and Bro.
and Sister Naegle.
From your Brother in the Gospel,
Wilford Woodruff