but they told that it was between ministers and they did not wish to meddele
with it, but brother has come over to this district and says that he is more
calme than he was. really hope that he will not procede with his suit for it will
only make trouble. I have almost forgotten to tell you that has given up going
to . next spring and wants to come down here in the spring—wants to meet you in
thinking that you will accompany me there in the spring he wants you
to write to him, says that he wishes he was with you here now. and sister
and send there best respects to you and say they are trying to
do as well as they can. I think they are. Sister and sister are here on
a visit and send there love to you and say that the church is doing well there.
They have just come in from meeting and say they have had a verry good
meeting, that brother Crocket was wide awake. You did not say any thing about
the time that you expected to return here, your three weeks have almost expired
and they have been long enough I think. I realy feal lonely here without my [page torn]
but I trust that the Lord will take care of him and return him to me in
his time. I dont forget to ask him to daily and trust that I am not forgotten
by him. My health is good at present but I have been quite sick with a cold
I was much pleased to hear that brother had joined your company
Give my best respects to him and tell him that I want to see him.
Milton's letter was sealed with black and there was greate enquiery concerning
the contents, but I did not let them know of the Kirtland affairs, some of them
here surmise that a mob has arisen and demolished the press in Kirtland
if but I shall keep the letter private untill you come and then you may
do as you think best with it. I think that these times will try the faith
of the saints but I think that I feael as strong as ever. C There will be
great persecution for thes things but there is a God in Israel yet thanks be
to God for it. I have not commenced your coat yet but shall soon. I recollect
that this is your birthday would be glad to congratulate you upon the same could I have
the privilege. This is from your Phebe who is waiting as patiently as she can for your return.
It is most twelve therefore I bid you good night and retire to rest
P. W. W.
but they told that it was between ministers and they did not wish to meddle
with it, but brother has come over to this district and says that he is more
calme than he was. really hope that he will not procede with his suit for it will
only make trouble. I have almost forgotten to tell you that has given up going
to . next spring and wants to come down here in the spring—wants to meet you in
thinking that you will accompany me there in the spring he wants you
to write to him, says that he wishes he was with you here now. and sister
and send there best respects to you and say they are trying to
do as well as they can. I think they are. Sister and sister are here on
a visit and send there love to you and say that the church is doing well there.
They have just come in from meeting and say they have had a verry good
meeting, that brother Crocket was wide awake. You did not say any thing about
the time that you expected to return here, your three weeks have almost expired
and they have been long enough I think. I realy feal lonely here without my page torn
but I trust that the Lord will take care of him and return him to me in
his time. I dont forget to ask him to daily and trust that I am not forgotten
by him. My health is good at present but I have been quite sick with a cold
I was much pleased to hear that brother had joined your company
Give my best respects to him and tell him that I want to see him.
Milton's letter was sealed with black and there was greate enquiery concerning
the contents, but I did not let them know of the Kirtland affairs, some of them
here surmise that a mob has arisen and demolished the press in Kirtland
but I shall keep the letter private untill you come and then you may
do as you think best with it. I think that these times will try the faith
of the saints but I think that I feel as strong as ever. There will be
great persecution for thes things but there is a God in Israel yet thanks be
to God for it. I have not commenced your coat yet but shall soon. I recollect
that this is your birthday would be glad to congratulate you upon the same could I have
the privilege. This is from your Phebe who is waiting as patiently as she can for your return.
It is most twelve therefore I bid you good night and retire to rest
P. W. W.