had not advertized but not enough to pay us
in a financial point. We keep pushing our
business to try and sell books. Our next
venture is a cheap edition of the Hymn Book
so all our children and young people as
well as grown people, can have one for
one shilling. Our cheap edition of the for two shillings and our
for sixpence has been
quite a success in spreading the know-
ledge of the gospel and the scriptures. The
blessing of the Lord has been with us.
He put it into our hearts to publish
these cheap editions and He has prosper-
ed us in our labors. hope for the sake
of the work and of the people the elders
will not be withdrawn from the nations
until He says it is enough. There is a
pleasure in laboring for the Lord, in la-
boring for , if it is uphill business,
or rowing against the stream, with all
its discouragement it has its lights and
shadows, its joys and sorrows. The exper-
ience the elders gain is invaluable in fact
it is priceless. It could not be gained under
any other circumstances. Elder was
had not advertized but not enough to pay us
in a financial point. We keep pushing our
business to try and sell books. Our next
venture is a cheap edition of the Hymn Book
so all our children and young people as
well as grown people, can have one for
one shilling. Our cheap edition of the for two shillings and our
for sixpence has been
quite a success in spreading the knowledge of the gospel and the scriptures. The
blessing of the Lord has been with us.
He put it into our hearts to publish
these cheap editions and He has prospered us in our labors. hope for the sake
of the work and of the people the elders
will not be withdrawn from the nations
until He says it is enough. There is a
pleasure in laboring for the Lord, in laboring for , if it is uphill business,
or rowing against the stream, with all
its discouragement it has its lights and
shadows, its joys and sorrows. The experience the elders gain is invaluable in fact
it is priceless. It could not be gained under
any other circumstances. Elder was