unwilling to return he made a most excellent
missionary. And as a general thing all the
Elders say when spoken to about their release
or released—"Just as you say Bro. Teasdale" we
are in the hands of the Lord." This is the result
of intelligence, they know this is the Work of
the Lord that we are engaged in and that
theirre is an order in His Curhurch and feel safe
in sustaining that order. Your letter concern
ing the release of Bro. A Judd has been re-
ceived. We have telegraphed him for the
5th of October Company if he can get
ready. He will be missed in the Hol-
land mission. Bro. Brown writes me
he does not know what to do with the
last three missionaries who have been
appointed to Holland as they cannot speak
the language and it takes a year before
they can be of any service to the mission
He is in want of elders who can go into
the field and push the sale of the Book
of Mormon and be an immediate help
to him. Our good friend MrRamsden
has just apprized us of the accident
that happened to the Wisconsin Company
that Bro. W. P. Payne had charge of. Is it
unwilling to return he made a most excellent
missionary. And as a general thing all the
Elders say when spoken to about their release
or released—"Just as you say Bro. Teasdale" we
are in the hands of the Lord." This is the result
of intelligence, they know this is the Work of
the Lord that we are engaged in and that
there is an order in His Church and feel safe
in sustaining that order. Your letter concern
ing the release of Bro. A Judd has been received. We have telegraphed him for the
5th of October Company if he can get
ready. He will be missed in the Holland mission. Bro. Brown writes me
he does not know what to do with the
last three missionaries who have been
appointed to Holland as they cannot speak
the language and it takes a year before
they can be of any service to the mission
He is in want of elders who can go into
the field and push the sale of the Book
of Mormon and be an immediate help
to him. Our good friend MrRamsden
has just apprized us of the accident
that happened to the Wisconsin Company
that Bro. W. P. Payne had charge of. Is it
"Letter from George Teasdale, 28 September 1889," p. 4, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/wyP8