as much alike as light and darkness. And there is as much agreement between in the proceedings of the morm-
ons and their preceps & examples of Christ as there is between Christ and Balial and no more. If I am able to
Judge in this respect. If they persecute you in this city flee ye into another [Matthew 10:23] does this look like disputeing
the ground with the point of the sword at the peril of our lives. there is much in the Testimony if my limits would
admit that I would like to call your attention unto but cannot at this time" "There is one thing more
however that I cannot forbear to mention and that is division in families or rather breaking up of families
as to the revelations upon this point I am not so well informed, but have understood from the Brethren from
different setctions that it was the duty of heads of families or say the Husband or man as he is the head if he is a
believer it is his duty to forsake ^pursuade^ his wife to go with him up to Zion if in his power but if she will not be pursuaded
to go with him, then it is his duty to gather up his substance and go up to Zion and leave his wife & family behind
Now I would ask what is there in the or that will support a man in such a course as this the
says if the unbelieveing depart let him depart but there is no liberty given to the believer to leave one of his
family what God hath joined together let no man put assunder. [Mark 10:9] Now for instance were I to leave my family & take
with me my substance (if I had any) and go up to Zion should I not according to the testimony (not of Mormonism) but of
Eternal truth be under censure," "should I not be one that refused to provide for his own, even those of his own house
if so then I should be the man that had denyied the faith &c." "I have been taking a view of the revelations of
and I am persuaded that they not ownly contradict theChrist and the Apostles but they contradict themselves
And I must receive Smiths Revelations and reject Christs or Receive Christs & the Apostles & reject Smith's As
I cannot be vary particular here I will ownly ask you to look at one or two. What does the Revelations say concerning
the Lords warriors the Revelations says as I understood That inasmuch as 500 of the Lords warriors &
valiant young men &c raised &c & if 500 could not be had 400, 300, 200 or 100 but not to return less than 100 [Doctrine and Covenants 103:32-34] And
I understood the Revelation to say that with them I would redeem Zion and if I understood your letter there was over
200 went up in the to redeem Zion armed with various weapons of war. Now the Revelation says that
Zion cannot be redeemed because the strength of the Lords House has not come up" Again you say that the Lord
says by revelation that He is well pleased with those who have come up even as he was pleased with
And we know that God was so well pleased with Abraham that He swore to him with an oath. Yet we are
informed that the Lord sent the into your camp to purge & clense it. Now Brother if you cannot
see any impropriety and contradiction in those Revelations as well as others, then I ientreat you to stop for
a moment and consider and look again, also the Revelation concerning their stay at at first it
was to be but 5 years, now there is to be a built there, and it is to be one of the stake of Zion not to
be removed &c." "I intreat my Brother for Heavens sake & for your own souls sake & Body sake to look at
those things & compare them with themselves & with others of the Revelations And also try them by
& & see if the spirit of truth which cannot lie, you the spirit of inspiration of the Almighty moving
upon Joseph Smith caused them to be uttered and written for our learning and profit. And whereas two cannot
walk together except they be agreed. and as I understand that God is love & he that dwelleth in God dwelleth in love &
God dwelleth in him [1 John 4:16] and that love works no ill to his neighbor [Romans 13:10], the are peace, joy, longsuffering
gentleness &c [Galatians 5:22]. I do confess that I never so learned Christ as to learn war or a disposition to return an injury
to mine Enemy but on the contrary Gods word & spirit teaches to keep co^a^les of fire on the Heads of our Enemies
by rendering good for Evil and Blessing for cursing"—** "I would inform you that in the fore part of July I requ[es]ted
of the Church of Latter Day Saints in to strike off my name from the Church Record as I could no longer
walk with them I freely delivered up all power and Authority that I was invested with by writing Church Articles
&c but as they refused to drop my name I was necessiated to fling in a withdrawing letter and from
the connextion. the particulars I cannot now mention." "Dear Brother if I had room I would like to tell you
as much alike as light and darkness. And there is as much agreement in the proceedings of the mormons and their preceps & examples of Christ as there is between Christ and Balial and no more. If I am able to
Judge in this respect. If they persecute you in this city flee ye into another Matthew 10:23 does this look like disputeing
the ground with the point of the sword at the peril of our lives. there is much in the Testimony if my limits would
admit that I would like to call your attention unto but cannot at this time" "There is one thing more
however that I cannot forbear to mention and that is division in families or rather breaking up of families
as to the revelations upon this point I am not so well informed, but have understood from the Brethren from
different sections that it was the duty of heads of families or say the Husband or man as he is the head if he is a
believer it is his duty to pursuade his wife to go with him up to Zion if in his power but if she will not be pursuaded
to go with him, then it is his duty to gather up his substance and go up to Zion and leave his wife & family behind
Now I would ask what is there in the or that will support a man in such a course as this the
says if the unbelieveing depart let him depart but there is no liberty given to the believer to leave one of his
family what God hath joined together let no man put assunder. Mark 10:9 Now for instance were I to leave my family & take
with me my substance (if I had any) and go up to Zion should I not according to the testimony (not of Mormonism) but of
Eternal truth be under censure," "should I not be one that refused to provide for his own, even those of his own house
if so then I should be the man that had denied the faith &c." "I have been taking a view of the revelations of
and I am persuaded that they not ownly contradictChrist and the Apostles but they contradict themselves
And I must receive Smiths Revelations and reject Christs or Receive Christs & the Apostles & reject Smith's As
I cannot be vary particular here I will ownly ask you to look at one or two. What does the Revelations say concerning
the Lords warriors the Revelations says as I understood That inasmuch as 500 of the Lords warriors &
valiant young men &c raised &c & if 500 could not be had 400, 300, 200 or 100 but not to return less than 100 Doctrine and Covenants 103:32-34 And
I understood the Revelation to say that with them I would redeem Zion and if I understood your letter there was over
200 went up in the to redeem Zion armed with various weapons of war. Now the Revelation says that
Zion cannot be redeemed because the strength of the has not come up" Again you say that the Lord
says by revelation that He is well pleased with those who have come up even as he was pleased with
And we know that God was so well pleased with Abraham that He swore to him with an oath. Yet we are
informed that the Lord sent the into your camp to purge & clense it. Now Brother if you cannot
see any impropriety and contradiction in those Revelations as well as others, then Ientreat you to stop for
a moment and consider and look again, also the Revelation concerning their stay at at first it
was to be but 5 years, now there is to be a built there, and it is to be one of the stake of Zion not to
be removed &c." "I intreat my Brother for Heavens sake & for your own souls & Body sake to look at
those things & compare them with themselves & with others of the Revelations And also try them by
& & see if the spirit of truth which cannot lie, you the spirit of inspiration of the Almighty moving
upon Joseph Smith caused them to be uttered and written for our learning and profit. And whereas two cannot
walk together except they be agreed. and as I understand that God is love & he that dwelleth in God dwelleth in love &
God dwelleth in him 1 John 4:16 and that love works no ill to his neighbor Romans 13:10, the are peace, joy, longsuffering
gentleness &c Galatians 5:22. I do confess that I never so learned Christ as to learn war or a disposition to return an injury
to mine Enemy but on the contrary Gods word & spirit teaches to keep coales of fire on the Heads of our Enemies
by rendering good for Evil and Blessing for cursing"—** "I would inform you that in the fore part of July I requested
of the Church of Latter Day Saints in to strike off my name from the Church Record as I could no longer
walk with them I freely delivered up all power and Authority that I was invested with by writing Church Articles
&c but as they refused to drop my name I was necessiated to fling in a withdrawing letter and from
the connextion. the particulars I cannot now mention." "Dear Brother if I had room I would like to tell you