Believing it to be the Duty of the Latter Day Saints to consecrate and Dedicate all there properties with themselves unto
God in order to become Lawful Heirs to the Celestial Kingdom of God, it was under such a view of the subject & in
obedience to the cammandments of God that I consecrated what I had (though but little) before Bishop Edward
Partridge who was the Presiding Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in Clay County Mo.
The following is a copy of the consecration.
Clay County Missouri Dec 31st 1834. Be it known that I Wilford Woodruff do freely covenant with my God that
I freely consecrate and Dedicate myself together with all my Propertyies and Effects unto the Lord for the
purpose of assisting in building up his Kingdom even Zion on the Earth that I may keep his Law & lay all things
before the Bishop of the Church that I may be a Lawful heir to the Kingdom of God even the Celestial Kingdom
The following is an inventory of my Property laid Before the Bishop
One Due Bill payable in one year $20. One trunk with its contents Principly Books $18, Hat Boots & clothing $23.
One volice [valise] 2.50, One Englis watch 8.00 One Rifle & Equipments 9.00 One sword $5, One Pistol 1.50 sundries 3.00
Notes which are Doubtful and uncertain $150. Total $240.00
I received a Letter from my Brother Azmon Woodruff the Latter Part of
which gave me much sorrow. He was my Eldest Brother and a vary religious man from his
childhood up, and he laboured hard to know the will of God and to do it. He believed in the
ancient order of the Church, and he rejoiced when the fulness of the gospel came unto us and
was baptized under the hands of Zerah Pulsipher at the same time that I was and when I left I
gave him a power of Attorney to sell my Property at the same time that he did his so that He could
come on to Zion. The following is an extract of his letter which shows that he had Apostitized
and left the Church His letter was Dated Richland Oswago County N Y. Aug 9th 1834.
"Brother Wilford I wish to call your Attention a few moments while we take a glance at what is
called Mormonism. you well know that my mind was tryed on the subject before you left us in
the spring. I have since you left endeavored to look at the subject with an impartial Eye and
weigh it in an ^even^ balance and try it by Gods word and spirit, even the word spoken by the Ancient Apostles
and Prophets and by Christ himself and if any man speak not according to this word Judge ye
whether in such a case it is right to receive or not." "Joseph Smith says by Revelation that there
shall be 500 ^or less^ of the Lords warriors or valiant menyoung men and middle Aged raised who should go up to
Redeem and Defend Zion, and you are not ignorant Brother of their taken carnal weapons such as
fire Arms spears dirks swords &c &c. Jesus Christ sayes put up thy sword into its sheath all they that taketh
the sword shall perish with the sword [Matthew 26:52]. Further more Jesus sayes if thine Enemy hunger feed him if he thirst
give him drink [Romans 12:20]. Again love ye your Enemies bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you
and pray for them that despitefully use ^you^ and persecute you [Matthew 5:44], and all this for what, the answer is that ye may
be like your Father in heaven. Again Jesus says unto you that ye resist not evil if the a man smite you
on the one cheek, offer the other also [Matthew 5:39]. He did not say after you have been smitten once, thrice or twice take the
sword and fight and slay your enemies, but the contrary, he taught both by precept and example. And
perhaps you may ask shall we suffer our Enemies to destroy us. shall we suffer ourselves to be trodden down
as the mire of the streets and make no resistance. [Micah 7:10] In answer I would say If we take Jesus for an
Ensample sure it is that we should not fight and resist evil. for when was our great Ensample
ever known to retaliate or resist, or revenge or take vengance. No this He never done but suffered
himself to be lead as a sheep to the slaughter and like a Lamb before his shearers &c" [Isaiah 53:7] Now Brother
how near a like is the procedings of the Mormons and example and precepts of Christ I will tell you"
Believing it to be the Duty of the Latter Day Saints to consecrate and Dedicate all there properties with themselves unto
God in order to become Lawful Heirs to the Celestial Kingdom of God, it was under such a view of the subject & in
obedience to the cammandments of God that I consecrated what I had (though but little) before Bishop Edward
Partridge who was the Presiding Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in Clay County Mo.
The following is a copy of the consecration.
Clay County Missouri Dec 31st 1834. Be it known that I Wilford Woodruff do freely covenant with my God that
I freely consecrate and Dedicate myself together with all my Properties and Effects unto the Lord for the
purpose of assisting in building up his Kingdom even Zion on the Earth that I may keep his Law & lay all things
before the Bishop of the Church that I may be a Lawful heir to the Kingdom of God even the Celestial Kingdom
The following is an inventory of my Property laid Before the Bishop
One Due Bill payable in one year $20. One trunk with its contents Principly Books $18, Hat Boots & clothing $23.
One volice valise 2.50, One Englis watch 8.00 One Rifle & Equipments 9.00 One sword $5, One Pistol 1.50 sundries 3.00
Notes which are Doubtful and uncertain $150. Total $240.00
I received a Letter from my Brother Azmon Woodruff the Latter Part of
which gave me much sorrow. He was my Eldest Brother and a vary religious man from his
childhood up, and he laboured hard to know the will of God and to do it. He believed in the
ancient order of the Church, and he rejoiced when the fulness of the gospel came unto us and
was baptized under the hands of Zerah Pulsipher at the same time that I was and when I left I
gave him a power of Attorney to sell my Property at the same time that he did his so that He could
come on to Zion. The following is an extract of his letter which shows that he had Apostitized
and left the Church His letter was Dated Richland Oswago County N Y. Aug 9th 1834.
"Brother Wilford I wish to call your Attention a few moments while we take a glance at what is
called Mormonism. you well know that my mind was tryed on the subject before you left us in
the spring. I have since you left endeavored to look at the subject with an impartial Eye and
weigh it in an even balance and try it by Gods word and spirit, even the word spoken by the Ancient Apostles
and Prophets and by Christ himself and if any man speak not according to this word Judge ye
whether in such a case it is right to receive or not." "Joseph Smith says by Revelation that there
shall be 500 or less of the Lords warriors or valiantyoung men and middle Aged raised who should go up to
Redeem and Defend Zion, and you are not ignorant Brother of their taken carnal weapons such as
fire Arms spears dirks swords &c &c. Jesus Christ sayes put up thy sword into its sheath all they that taketh
the sword shall perish with the sword Matthew 26:52. Further more Jesus says if thine Enemy hunger feed him if he thirst
give him drink Romans 12:20. Again love ye your Enemies bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you
and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you Matthew 5:44, and all this for what, the answer is that ye may
be like your Father in heaven. Again Jesus says unto you that ye resist not evil if a man smite you
on the one cheek, offer the other also Matthew 5:39. He did not say after you have been smitten once, thrice or twice take the
sword and fight and slay your enemies, but the contrary, he taught both by precept and example. And
perhaps you may ask shall we suffer our Enemies to destroy us. shall we suffer ourselves to be trodden down
as the mire of the streets and make no resistance. In answer I would say If we take Jesus for an
Ensample sure it is that we should not fight and resist evil. for when was our great Ensample
ever known to retaliate or resist, or revenge or take vengance. No this He never done but suffered
himself to be lead as a sheep to the slaughter and like a Lamb before his shearers &c" Isaiah 53:7 Now Brother
how near a like is the procedings of the Mormons and example and precepts of Christ I will tell you"
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