Resolutions of the Council:
It was resolved that the following persons should
be no more fellowshiped in the Church—namely,
, and Isaac
Sister and and and wife
and mother and
Bro and wife and .
The Council then proceeded to the building spot
of the when the following business was transacted:
Part of a hymn was sung on the mission of
the Twelve; and then was
The foundation of the Temple recommenced
The hymn being sung Elder the Master workman
of the house rolled up a large stone near the South East
Corner as a recommencement of laying the foundation of
the House of the Lord agreeable to revelation.
Ordination of Willford Woodruff and
to the Quorum of the Twelve
Those of the Twelve present were
proceeded to ordain Wilford Woodruff and George A Smith
to the quorum of the Twelve to fill the place of those who
had fallen. We had been previously nominated by the accepted by the Twelve and acknowledge by the
Church. At this time and (who had just been liberated from
Resolutions of the Council:
It was resolved that the following persons should
be no more fellowshiped in the Church—namely,
, and Isaac
Sister and and and
and and
Bro and and .
The Council then proceeded to the building spot
of the when the following business was transacted:
Part of a hymn was sung on the mission of
the Twelve; and then was
The foundation of the Temple recommenced
The hymn being sung Elder the Master workman
of the house rolled up a large stone near the South East
Corner as a recommencement of laying the foundation of
the House of the Lord agreeable to revelation.
Ordination of Willford Woodruff and
to the Quorum of the Twelve
Those of the Twelve present were
proceeded to ordain Wilford Woodruff and George A Smith
to the quorum of the Twelve to fill the place of those who
had fallen. We had been previously nominated by the First
Presidency accepted by the Twelve and acknowledge by the
Church. At this time and (who had just been liberated from