Elder Brigham Young was elected to the chair
and Brother John Benbow chosen clerk. President Young
opened the meeting by prayer when it was motioned by Elder
Wilford Woodruff and seconded by Elder Kington that James
HillJames BarnesCharles Price and John Parry be ordained
to the office of Priest and John Benbow to the office of Teacher
which was carried unamimously. Elders Brigham Young
and Wilford Woodruff then proceeded to ordain them to
the offices assigned to them. Priest Charles Price was also
chosen clerk of the ^Standly^ Hill Branch of the Church. The
meeting closed by prayer after which we walked to Froom's
Hill and spent the night.
On the next day Elder Young and myself
walked to Moorend Cross and called upon Brother Thomas Kington ^Jinkins^. We both had a bad cold and felt ill
I left Brother Young and went to Colwall on the side
of Malvern Hill and preached. Before the meeting I
ascended to the top of the Hill and took an interesting survey
of the surrounding country. I returned to brother Kington's ^Jinkins^
and spent the night
The following day was occupied in writing
Brother Brigham wrote a letter to his wife in which I enclosed a
few lines to Phebe. I also wrote a seperate letter to her and sent
it to Commerce Illinois. I preached at Brother Jinkins where I stayed
that night and was quite ill as I was also the next day and night
Notwithstanding that I continued sick on
the morrow the I walked five miles ^to^ and Ashfild and
preached at Mr Baily's and in the afternoon I walked to GCrowcutt where I preached and baptized and confirmed ten
persons. One of those whom I baptized was a preacher. I called and ^also^ ordained Edward Philips to the office of Priest. I returned
to Moorend Cross and passed the night at Brother Jinkins
having walked that day a distance of 12 miles and held two
meetings. Elder Young to day baptized four at Froom's Hill.
Thus the work of the Lord continued to advance in this
district of country.
On the I was still quite ill with my
cold but I preached at Moorend Cross and baptized and confirmed
Elder Brigham Young was elected to the chair
and Brother John Benbow chosen clerk. President Young
opened the meeting by prayer when it was motioned by Elder
Wilford Woodruff and seconded by Elder Kington that James
HillJames BarnesCharles Price and John Parry be ordained
to the office of Priest and John Benbow to the office of Teacher
which was carried unamimously. Elders Brigham Young
and Wilford Woodruff then proceeded to ordain them to
the offices assigned to them. Priest Charles Price was also
chosen clerk of the Standly Hill Branch of the Church. The
meeting closed by prayer after which we walked to Froom's
Hill and spent the night.
On the next day Elder Young and myself
walked to Moorend Cross and called upon Brother Thomas
Jinkins. We both had a bad cold and felt ill
I left Brother Young and went to Colwall on the side
of Malvern Hill and preached. Before the meeting I
ascended to the top of the Hill and took an interesting survey
of the surrounding country. I returned to brother Jinkins
and spent the night
The following day was occupied in writing
Brother Brigham wrote a letter to his wife in which I enclosed a
few lines to Phebe. I also wrote a seperate letter to her and sent
it to Commerce Illinois. I preached at Brother Jinkins where I stayed
that night and was quite ill as I was also the next day and night
Notwithstanding that I continued sick on
the morrow the I walked five miles to and Ashfild and
preached at Mr Baily's and in the afternoon I walked to
Crowcutt where I preached and baptized and confirmed ten
persons. One of those whom I baptized was a preacher. I
also ordained Edward Philips to the office of Priest. I returned
to Moorend Cross and passed the night at Brother Jinkins
having walked that day a distance of 12 miles and held two
meetings. Elder Young to day baptized four at Froom's Hill.
Thus the work of the Lord continued to advance in this
district of country.
On the I was still quite ill with my
cold but I preached at Moorend Cross and baptized and confirmed
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