The accounts received from
, and , goes to show
that the South keeps not back. The news from
, proves that the North is giving ^up^ also as the
Prophet Said, The Le^a^ven is working in all North
America. The Bread will soon be ready to, bake,
The Wood has cought fire, and ^the^ Oven is heating
the City of Joseph, last
but not lest, is rising in the magasty of the
God of and . Her Charter is
the Law of God. Her officers The Twelve
Apostles, and their assistence, which is all the
Spiritual Authorities of the whole Church and Kingdom
Her Strength is all power in Heaven and on
Eearth, her Banner is Love. The wisdom of
her Inhabitents reches to heaven, before them
the wecked tremble; feel hapy Br Woodruff
that I can in truth inform you, that the dark
cloud which hung over Nauvoo, a few months agoe
has burst asunder. And never, No Never, di[stamp]
the Sun of peace and prosperity shine on the Church
as at present. The Eearth Brings forth her Strenghts
The Saints in and the adjacent Counties, will
this Season, rase grain enough, to support half of
the Hohole . In many other parts of the state
the Frost has destroyed almost the entire crop of
Summer grain, many of our Enemies allredy have
to by^u^y, grane of the Saints. The I supose
is nearly covered by this time, the w^o^rk for the, Inside
is in a raped [rapid] state of completion. one Hundred Hands
are now at work on the . The Brick
is all ready for the same. Timber &c &c. The roof
will be put on this fall. But you know they build
So fast, with so little meanes, that when both Houses
are completed, The debt for the same will be large
Indeed, but the commanment will be fulfiled, and the
blessings decend on the true H^e^arted Saints of the Lord.
my soul [m]iagnifies the Lord for all these Precious Things.
The accounts received from
, and , goes to show
that the South keeps not back. The news from
, proves that the North is giving up also as the
Prophet Said, The Leaven is working in all North
America. The Bread will soon be ready to, bake,
The Wood has cought fire, and the Oven is heating
the City of Joseph, last
but not lest, is rising in the magasty of the
God of and . Her Charter is
the Law of God. Her officers The Twelve
Apostles, and their assistence, which is all the
Spiritual Authorities of the whole Church and Kingdom
Her Strength is all power in Heaven and on
Eearth, her Banner is Love. The wisdom of
her Inhabitents reches to heaven, before them
the wecked tremble; feel hapy Br Woodruff
that I can in truth inform you, that the dark
cloud which hung over Nauvoo, a few months agoe
has burst asunder. And never, No Never, distamp
the Sun of peace and prosperity shine on the Church
as at present. The Eearth Brings forth her Strenghts
The Saints in and the adjacent Counties, will
this Season, rase grain enough, to support half of
the Hohole . In many other parts of the state
the Frost has destroyed almost the entire crop of
Summer grain, many of our Enemies alredy have
to buy, grane of the Saints. The I supose
is nearly covered by this time, the work for the, Inside
is in a rapid state of completion. one Hundred Hands
are now at work on the . The Brick
is all ready for the same. Timber &c &c. The roof
will be put on this fall. But you know they build
So fast, with so little meanes, that when both Houses
are completed, The debt for the same will be large
Indeed, but the commanment will be fulfiled, and the
blessings decend on the true Hearted Saints of the Lord.
my soul miagnifies the Lord for all these Precious Things.