midst, therefore our Union is Strong, we are doing all
in our power to help^;^ to compleate the, and the
. prayers are offered without ceaseing
by day and Night, that; y^w^e may have the privelige of
fulfiling the Commandments, that the blessings long
looked for may come upon us, in the . In the the cause is, onward
new, members are joining the Church, all are alive
on the subject of building up the City
of Joseph, and finishing the Temple. Elders
, & , are going a head with
printing and circulating truth. Elder Pratt has
thr[w]ed a flood of light through; all, this part
of the vineyard, to the joy of many Saints.
is blessed with more Saints than any other
City in the eastern States. Elder[s]
has charge there under the direction of Elder
Pratt. that Branch think Numbers between
2^3^ and 3^4^ Hundred Members. In all the ea^s^tern
States the Saints are well united, bearing willing
to listen to the Council of the Twelve, and pay
their , as the Lord has said. Many have
emigrated to Nauvoo, to help in all things to cary
out the measures of Br, &
Through the Northern Sections of the States
the almost innumerable Branches of the Church
are on the increase, not withstanding the Elders
in general are call to Nauvoo. The Interiour of
the different States are^;^ now beholding Hundreds of
their best Citizens leaving for Nauvoo to locate
with the Saints and help bu^i^ld the Temple of our
God. From the South the news is cheering to
me, and all the Saints, you are aware, of my
labours, in South Western, , and . Before I left there, I organised a
Conference of 200, Members, concisting of seven
Churches in Seven different Counties. the last, account
shows an increace of over 100,: 50, Since I left the field
midst, therefore our Union is Strong, we are doing all
in our power to help; to compleate the, and the
. prayers are offered without ceaseing
by day and Night, that;we may have the privelige of
fulfiling the Commandments, that the blessings long
looked for may come upon us, in the House of the
Lord. In the the cause is, onward
new, members are joining the Church, all are alive
on the subject of building up the City
of Joseph, and finishing the Temple. Elders
, & , are going a head with
printing and circulating truth. Elder Pratt has
thrwed a flood of light through; all, this part
of the vineyard, to the joy of many Saints.
is blessed with more Saints than any other
City in the eastern States. Elder ,
has charge there under the direction of Elder
Pratt. that Branch think Numbers between
3 and4 Hundred Members. In all the eastern
States the Saints are well united, bearing willing
to listen to the Council of the Twelve, and pay
their Tithing, as the Lord has said. Many have
emigrated to Nauvoo, to help in all things to cary
out the measures of Br, &
Through the Northern Sections of the States
the almost innumerable Branches of the Church
are on the increase, not withstanding the Elders
in general are call to Nauvoo. The Interiour of
the different States are; now beholding Hundreds of
their best Citizens leaving to locate
with the Saints and help build the Temple of our
God. From the South the news is cheering to
me, and all the Saints, you are aware, of my
labours, in South Western, , and . Before I left there, I organised a
Conference of 200, Members, concisting of seven
Churches in Seven different Counties. the last, account
shows an increace of over 100,: 50, Since I left the field