Dec 16 1883
I dined with Richard Bentley. Afternoon Wm Thompson
Prayed Authorities of the Church were presented and accepted
There was a petition sent in not to present the Bishop of the
first ward as they thought He was ingaged with some others
to defruad them out of a Dividend of the Canaan herd
stock I told the petitioners that I should not read the
Petition But it must be setled in the ward whare the
Bishop Presided it was not proper to discuss it Before
the conference. Erastus Snow spoke 47 M[inutes], G Teasdale 45.
I took supper at Br Snows And attended the
Young Mens & Young Ladies Conference D D McArthur
Prayed F M Lyman spoke 30 M[inutes], G Teasdale 20 M[inutes],
W Woodruff 35 M[inutes]. I stoped with Brother Farnsworth
~ Monday
17 I took a ride around the clara fields and attended
in the Evening of the first ward ian investigation
of Bishop Judds course in the Canaan Board
affair A good deal of Bad Spirit was manifest
By Bishop Judd I received one letter & wrote one letter to Asahel I received one letter from Asahel
~ Tuesday
18 I went to the Temple and confirmed
6 persons for Dead friends and wrote 1 Letter
to Phebe and Leslie. We had 705 Baptizsms for
the Dead. 16 Males & 6 females were for my family
I attended A Prayer Meeting at Samuel Hardy's
many spoke G Teasdale followed & I followed him and
had a good time Emma was there I spent the night
at Brother Farnsworth I received a letter from
President Taylor and Laney
Dec 16 1883
I dined with Richard Bentley. Afternoon Wm Thompson
Prayed Authorities of the Church were presented and accepted
There was a petition sent in not to present the Bishop of the
first ward as they thought He was ingaged with some others
to defruad them out of a Dividend of the Canaan herd
stock I told the petitioners that I should not read the
Petition But it must be setled in the ward whare the
Bishop Presided it was not proper to discuss it Before
the conference. Erastus Snow spoke 47 Minutes, G Teasdale 45.
I took supper at Br Snows And attended the
Young Mens & Young Ladies Conference D D McArthur
Prayed F M Lyman spoke 30 Minutes, G Teasdale 20 Minutes,
W Woodruff 35 Minutes. I stoped with Brother Farnsworth
~ Monday
17 I took a ride around the clara fields and attended
in the Evening of the first wardan investigation
of Bishop Judds course in the Canaan Board
affair A good deal of Bad Spirit was manifest
By Bishop Judd I received one letter & wrote
[FIGURE] one letter to Asahel I received one letter from Asahel
~ Tuesday
18 [FIGURE] I went to the Temple and confirmed
6 persons for Dead friends and wrote 1 Letter
to Phebe and Leslie. We had 705 Baptisms for
the Dead. 16 Males & 6 females were for my family
I attended A Prayer Meeting at Samuel Hardy's
many spoke G Teasdale followed & I followed him and
had a good time Emma was there I spent the night
at Brother Farnsworth I received a letter from
President Taylor and Laney
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 17, 1883 - December 18, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,