that can walk the streets of Salt Lake in safety
Marshals are after him because He has obeyed
the Patriarchal Law of Marriage. We held a Meeting
at 10 oclok all the Authorities of the Church were
Presented & sustained all voted for the Bishop Except 1.
We held a meeting at 10 oclok. Edward Bunker spoke
35 M[inutes], Bishop Cox 12 M[inutes] G Teasdale 30, W Woodruff 5 m[inutes] I wrote 1 Letter to E Snow. I wrode to St Thomas
whare whare Wilford & Fuller built Houses many years ago
we met in the Evening at Brother Bunkers we had all
the people saints, sinner, Infidels, & Gentiles Present Prayer
By G Teasdale W Woodruff spoke 50 M[inutes], on the different glories
and kingdoms. G Teasdale 35 M[inutes], H Eyring 5 M[inutes].
~ Tuesday
10 We rode 4 miles & there I parted with Brother Teasdale which I think was more painful than
Parting with his wives & children I laid hands upon him
and Blessed him Bishop Edward Bunker took him
& went over the Mountains with him to the R Road
at Hackbury to go to St Joseph whare Bishop Richards
will send him across the Country to Chihuahua
we rode up the Virgin to Bunkerville & spent the night
at Bishop Edward Bunkers 35 Miles
that can walk the streets of Salt Lake in safety
Marshals are after him because He has obeyed
the Patriarchal Law of Marriage. We held a Meeting
at 10 oclok all the Authorities of the Church were
Presented & sustained all voted for the Bishop Except 1.
We held a meeting at 10 oclok. Edward Bunker spoke
35 Minutes, Bishop Cox 12 Minutes G Teasdale 30, W Woodruff 5 minutes
FIGURES I wrote 1 Letter to E Snow. I wrode to St Thomas
whare whare Wilford & Fuller built Houses many years ago
we met in the Evening at Brother Bunkers we had all
the people saints, sinner, Infidels, & Gentiles Present Prayer
By G Teasdale W Woodruff spoke 50 Minutes, on the different glories
and kingdoms. G Teasdale 35 Minutes, H Eyring 5 Minutes.
~ Tuesday
10 [FIGURE] We rode 4 miles & there I parted with Brother
Teasdale which I think was more painful than
Parting with his wives & children I laid hands upon him
and Blessed him Bishop Edward Bunker took him
& went over the Mountains with him to the R Road
at Hackbury to go to St Joseph whare Bishop Richards
will send him across the Country to Chihuahua
we rode up the Virgin to Bunkerville & spent the night
at Bishop Edward Bunkers 35 Miles
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," February 9, 1885 - February 11, 1885, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025,