Dec 24 1884 I look upon the visit of Brothe Brigham Young
to the Yaquis Nation and a friendly interview
with their chief as one of the Most importance
Events in the History of the Latter Day Saints since
we have been in these Mountains I met in council
in the Afternoon
~ Thursday
25Christmass I had all my family together
that is near the city & took dinner together
~ Friday
26 I received 2 letters and a package from Asahel to his Mother of Photographs and a paper to me
from Sheffield containing an Account of a Mob got
up By Jerman against the Saints and Broak up
their confer[ence] at Sheffield. The Police Joined with John Henry Smith in clearing the House they had
a hard Tussle for it I wrote 4 Letters to Asahel Nellie, Eugenia, & Phebe Scholes
~ Saturday
27 I wrote Sarah sent her an order of $20. we
had quite a snow storm to day
~ Sunday
28 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle Orson Whitney Prayed B Young spoke 23 M John Taylor
51 M we Attended the Prayer circle and spent the
Evening at home Except I visited Br Fox house & laid
hands upon his daughter who was vary low In looking
over My Pamphlets in the Evening I found O Pratts
seer And Nixons which I thought I had lost
Dec 24 1884
[FIGURE] I look upon the visit of Brothe Brigham Young
to the Yaquis Nation and a friendly interview
with their chief as one of the Most importance
Events in the History of the Latter Day Saints since
we have been in these Mountains I met in council
in the Afternoon
~ Thursday
25 [FIGURE] Christmass I had all my family together
that is near the city & took dinner together
~ Friday
26 FIGURES I received 2 letters and a package from
Asahel to his Mother of Photographs and a paper to me
from Sheffield containing an Account of a Mob got
up By Jerman against the Saints and Broak up
their conference at Sheffield. The Police Joined with
John Henry Smith in clearing the House they had
a hard Tussle for it I wrote 4 Letters to AsahelNellie, Eugenia, & Phebe Scholes
~ Saturday
27 [FIGURE] I wrote Sarah sent her an order of $20. we
had quite a snow storm to day
~ Sunday
28 Sunday I attended Meeting in the TabernacleOrson Whitney Prayed B Young spoke 23 M John Taylor
51 M we Attended the Prayer circle and spent the
Evening at home Except I visited Br Fox house & laid
hands upon his daughter who was vary low In looking
over My Pamphlets in the Evening I found O Pratts
seer And Nixons which I thought I had lost
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 24, 1884 - December 29, 1884, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025,