Dec 17, 1884 I met in council in the Afternoon The abuse
& cruelties of some of the American Prision were
discussed and the situation of our Brethren in Detroit
Mich & Uma Arizona were spoken off
~ Thursday
18 ^^ I sent 2 telegrams to A O Smoot & Cazier
A strong wind Blowing I wrote a letter to L W. Snow
20 I wrote 2 Letter to David P Woodruff &Sarah
I spent the day in the offic I rode to Provo stoped with Br Smoot 21He had been sick 3 weeks with a Desease called the shingles
it was a Belt of fire 3 inches wide from the Back bone to
the navle to half around the body which caused the most inten[se]
suffering of any thing he Ever Endured the belt was
covered with large Blisters the size of a dollar He
had Began to recover & was better distance 50 Miles
~ Sunday
21 Sunday I rode to Spanish Fork and Attended
a conference of the young Mens Mutual it snowed hard
all day Met at 10 oclok Reports of the varios superin-
tendents given I dined with Br George Snell12 Miles
Afternoon Prayer By Bishop Snell W Woodruff
spoke 70 Minuts. I Attended a Meeting in the Evening
& listened to a program W Woodruff spok 30 Minuts
~ Monday
22 Snow was about 18 inches deep this morning I took cars rode to Salt Lake I received 4 letters
Dec 17, 1884
[FIGURE] I met in council in the Afternoon The abuse
& cruelties of some of the American Prision were
discussed and the situation of our Brethren in Detroit
Mich & Uma Arizona were spoken off
~ Thursday
18 [FIGURE] I sent 2 telegrams to A O Smoot & Cazier
A strong wind Blowing I wrote a letter to L W. Snow
20 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 Letter to David P Woodruff &Sarah
I spent the day in the offic I rode to Provo stoped with Br Smoot
He had been sick 3 weeks with a Desease called the shingles
it was a Belt of fire 3 inches wide from the Back bone to
the navle to half around the body which caused the most intense
suffering of any thing he Ever Endured the belt was
covered with large Blisters the size of a dollar He
had Began to recover & was better distance 50 Miles
~ Sunday
21 Sunday I rode to Spanish Fork and Attended
a conference of the young Mens Mutual it snowed hard
all day Met at 10 oclok Reports of the varios superintendents given I dined with Br George Snell12 Miles
Afternoon Prayer By Bishop Snell W Woodruff
spoke 70 Minuts. I Attended a Meeting in the Evening
& listened to a program W Woodruff spok 30 Minuts
~ Monday
22 Snow was about 18 inches deep this morning I
[FIGURE] took cars rode to Salt Lake I received 4 letters
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 18, 1884 - December 23, 1884, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025,