Dec 20, 1883
the Pimo & Papago's his name is Valensuela
Incarnation who is deeply interested in the work
W. Woodruff & Emma were sealed for 33 couple to day
for our dead. W. Woodruff sealed 15 couple we gave
Endowments for 45, 4 children sealed to Parents and
60 sealings
22 We have had rain for two days which is a
singular thing for St George. I rode out this morning
down to the Pond and river and rode around to the Washington fields & returned 12 miles I attended a
council with Brothers RayHawks & the three Lamanite
Brethren. I then Attended the Weding Party at Br D D McArthurs and then Attended the first ward Party Meeting to settle the Difficulty betwen Bishop Judd and the People we had a much more Plesant
Meeting than before. Bishop Judd had seen his Error
and Asked forgiveness and made all right and
all voted to forgive him and sustain him Mc-
Allister Judd Snow & Woodruff all spoke
~ Sunday
23 Sunday I rode to Santa Clara with E. Snow McAllister & Emma And Attended the Meeting
at 1 oclok Brother RayHawks & the 3 Lamanite
Brethren were present. Br Ray spoke and gave a
History of the Maricopa & Pimo. E Snow spoke 27 M[inutes].
Dec 20, 1883
the Pimo & Papago's his name is Valensuela
Incarnation who is deeply interested in the work
W. Woodruff & Emma were sealed for 33 couple to day
for our dead. W. Woodruff sealed 15 couple we gave
Endowments for 45, 4 children sealed to Parents and
60 sealings
~ Friday
21. A rainy night & day I sealed Edward Meeks
[FIGURE] McArthur & Ida Foss Woolly in the marriage
Covenant And we Attended the weding Party at
Ida Woollys I wrote a letter to Clara and the children
~ Saturday
[FIGURE] 22 We have had rain for two days which is a
singular thing for St George. I rode out this morning
down to the Pond and river and rode around to the
Washington fields & returned 12 miles I attended a
council with Brothers RayHawks & the three Lamanite
Brethren. I then Attended the Weding Party at Br
D D McArthurs and then Attended the first ward
Meeting to settle the Difficulty betwen Bishop
Judd and the People we had a much more Plesant
Meeting than before. Bishop Judd had seen his Error
and Asked forgiveness and made all right and
all voted to forgive him and sustain him McAllister Judd Snow & Woodruff all spoke
~ Sunday
23 Sunday I rode to Santa Clara with E. SnowMcAllister & Emma And Attended the Meeting
at 1 oclok Brother RayHawks & the 3 Lamanite
Brethren were present. Br Ray spoke and gave a
History of the Maricopa & Pimo. E Snow spoke 27 Minutes.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 21, 1883 - December 23, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,