G. Q. Cannon then spoke 60 M[inutes]. There arived in our midst
this Morning seven Chiefs & Leading Men of the Maricopas
and Pimo's lead By Brothers Rogers & Ray had Come some 700
Miles to attend the conference from Arizonia they were reporting
of many thousands of the Lamanits. Cheroquas Erastus who
I Baptize ordained a seventy at St George was one of
them they were much interested in the great Tabernacle
and congregation. Joseph F Smith spoke 30 M[inutes]
Afternoon prayer By Wm B Preston I conversed with the
Lamanite Chiefs. The Authorites of the Church were presented
and John W Taylor was presented to fill the vacancy in the
quorum of the Twelve & Wm B Preston was voted to
occupy the place of the Prisidid Bishop of the Church.
President John Taylor spoke 65 M[inutes].
8 I met in council with the Presidency and Twelve {Fifty}
many subjects were discussed and among others the troubles
in St John, Arizona. A mob spirit had arizen against
the saints in the place A committee was Appointed to
take the Matter into consideration and Adopt measures
to assist our Brethren in that place the committee con[sis]ted
of W Woodruff, Erastus Snow, Brigham YoungF M
Lyman. We Met in the Evening at the Historians Office
And prepared a report to President Taylor.
~ Wednesday
9 I met with the Presidency Twelve & Presidents of stakes
I had 7 of the Maricopa & Pimo Chiefs to dinner with me today
G. Q. Cannon then spoke 60 Minutes. There arived in our midst
this Morning seven Chiefs & Leading Men of the Maricopas
and Pimo's lead By Brothers Rogers & Ray had Come some 700
Miles to attend the conference from Arizona they were reporting
of many thousands of the Lamanits. Cheroquas Erastus who
I ordained a seventy at St George was one of
them they were much interested in the great Tabernacle
and congregation. Joseph F Smith spoke 30 Minutes
Afternoon prayer By Wm B Preston I conversed with the
Lamanite Chiefs. The Authorites of the Church were presented
and John W Taylor was presented to fill the vacancy in the
quorum of the Twelve & Wm B Preston was voted to
occupy the place of the Prisidid Bishop of the Church.
President John Taylor spoke 65 Minutes.
8 [FIGURE] I met in council with the Presidency & Twelve {of Fifty}
many subjects were discussed and among others the troubles
in St John, Arizona. A mob spirit had arizen against
the saints in the place A committee was Appointed to
take the Matter into consideration and Adopt measures
to assist our Brethren in that place the committee consisted
of W Woodruff, Erastus Snow, Brigham YoungF M
Lyman. We Met in the Evening at the Historians Office
And prepared a report to President Taylor.
~ Wednesday
9 I met with the Presidency Twelve & Presidents of stakes
I had 7 of the Maricopa & Pimo Chiefs to dinner with me today
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," April 6, 1884 - April 9, 1884, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/J8kJ