I received a package from C O Card containing
all the recepts of the people from all sourses for the building of the Logan Temple As follows Logan Stake $205244.83 Bear Lake $50505.29, Box Elder $50999.35
Trustee in Trust $137,445.94, other sourses ^$^3746.87
Grand Total $447,942.28
~ Monday
12 I spent the day in writing I spent the Evening with Judg Elias Smith He has been confined to his bed & chair 100 days
from falling down sullar. he cannot use Eith[er] of his legs
I visited Br John Pack who is vary low I Blessed him
I spent the day in writing
~ Wednesday
14 I spent the forenoon in writing I attended council in the
Afternoon The great Calico Ball at the CTheater to rfor the Deseret Hospital some 2000 persons present A driving snow
storm comm[enc]ed in the Evening so I did not go
~ Thursday
15 I received 4 letters from Sarah, Newton, Mary &c
I wrote 3 letters to Sarah Newton & Mary
FIGURES I received a package from C O Card containing
all the recepts of the people from all sourses for the building of the
Logan Temple As follows Logan Stake $205244.83
Bear Lake $50505.29, Box Elder $50999.35
Trustee in Trust $137,445.94, Other sourses $3746.87
Grand Total $447,942.28.
~ Monday
12 I spent the day in writing I spent the Evening with Judge
Elias Smith He has been confined to his bed & chair 100 days
from falling down sullar, he cannot use Either of his legs
[FIGURE] I visited Br John Pack who is vary low I Blessed him
I spent the day in writing
~ Wednesday
14 I spent the forenoon in writing I attended council in the
Afternoon. The great Calico Ball at theTheater to for the
Deseret Hospital some 2000 persons present A driving snow
storm commenced in the Evening so I did not go
~ Thursday
15 FIGURES I received 4 letters from Sarah, Newton, Mary &c
I wrote 3 letters to Sarah Newton & Mary
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," February 11, 1883 - February 17, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/EqVg