Sunday W Woodruff followed Br Nickleson & spoke
22 Minutes and said more important truths in that
time than in any 22 Minutes of his life The discourse
was reported and I trust will be published I received 3 letters today
~ Monday
24 I received one letter from McAllister and
one from Peter Johnson I sent Peter Johnson a Deed
of 80 Acres of Land in Randolph we set apart 67
Missionaries to go abroad
~ Tuesday
25. I spent the day writing and at the office I went
to the grass lot and spent the night 6 M[iles]
There was a report that the Zar of Russia was Assa-
ssinated but not Believed
~ Wednesday
26. I received a letter to day atfrom Lot Smith
I wrote 2 letters to Emma & Delight
~ Thursday
27 Oct I wrote one letter to Andrew Brixon
I took cars at 2 oclok and rode to Nephi and spent the nigh 90 M
90 Miles Br Taylor and company held a Meeting I was unwell
& could not attend J Taylor G Q Cannon & F D Richards spoke
~ Friday
28 We took cars rode to Juab then took carriage & rode
25 Miles in the rain and snow all day distnce 40 Miles
we held a Meeting in the Evening F D Richards Prayed John Taylor spok 42 M[inutes], W Woodruff spoke 25 M G Q Cannon
20, F. D. Richards 25. I spent the night at Br Thompsons in Sipeo. Distnce of the day 40 Miles
~ Saturday
29. we rode to Holden 15 M[iles] & took Dinner and held a
Meeting at 1 o'clok F. D. Richards Prayed W Woodruff spok
15 M, F D Richards 17, F D RichG Q Cannon 15 M,
Sunday W Woodruff followed Br Nickleson & spoke
22 Minuts and said more important truths in that
time than in any 22 Minuts of his life. The discourse
was reported and I trust will be published I received
[FIGURE] 3 letters to day
~ Monday
24 FIGURES I received one letter from McAllister and
one from Peter Johnson I sent Peter Johnson a Deed
of 80 Acres of Land in Randolph we set apart7
Missionaries to go abroad
~ Tuesday
25. I spent the day writing and at the Office I went
to the grass lot and spent the night 6 Miles
There was a report that the Zar of Russia was Assassinated but not Believed
~ Wednesday
26. FIGURES I received a letter to dayfrom Lot Smith
I wrote 2 letters to Emma & Delight
~ Thursday
27 Oct [FIGURE] I wrote one letter to Andrew Brixon
I took cars at 2 oclok and rode to Nephi and spent the night 90 Minutes
90 Miles Br Taylor and company held a Meeting I was unwell
& could not attend J TaylorG Q Cannon & F D Richards spoke
~ Friday
28 We took cars rode to Juab then took carriage & rode
25 Miles in the rain and snow all day distance 40 Mils
we held a Meeting in the Evening F D Richards Prayed
John Taylor spok 42 Minutes, W Woodruff spoke 25 M G Q Cannon
20, F. D. Richards 25. I spent the night at Br Thompsons in
Sipeo Distance of the day 40 Miles
~ Saturday
29. we rode to Holden 15 Miles & took Dinner and held a
Meeting at 1 o'clok F. D. Richards Prayed W Woodruff spok
15 Minutes, F D Richards 17, G Q Cannon 15 Minutes,
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," October 23, 1881 - October 29, 1881, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,