Sept 10th 1884 Newton took me to Logan in the Evening distance of the day 16 M while in smithfiedld upon this visit I bought of Joseph Hill
of Smithfield 10 1/3 Acres of Land for Newton lying a little
south of the town for $250. I pay $175 in cash & Newton
turns out 2 cows & other property to pay the remainder $75.
I sent Newton $50 on the 15 sept.
~ Thursday
Sept 11. In company with M Thatcher & A H Gibson of Washington D. C. we went down Logan River fishing Br Squairs was also with us He cought 4 trout 1.4 lb
1.2 lb 1.1 lb. I caught 2 Br Thatcher None 8 miles
~ Friday
12 In company with M Thatcher & 2 sons I went up Logan Canyon to try fishing we had wors luck than
down the River we did not go up for [far] Enough I caught
ownly 1 Herring & a small boy 2 trout Br Thatcher none 8 miles
~ Saturday
13 A plesant Morning I took cars & rode to S L City 96 Miles
~ Sunday
14 Sunday I went to the office & received 8 letters from A K Udall 2 A M Teney, Jesse N. Smith, J McAllister J. G. Bleak & David P. Woodruff it was a hard rainy
day I attended Meeting at 2 oclok E. F. Sheets Prayed. John W Taylor spoke 65 M, and gave a vary interesting
discourse. I attended meeting in the 14 ward in the Evening
and heard a vary interesting discuurs from G Q
Cannon ^65 Minuts^ upon the Agency of man and the power within
himself to ascend to the hightest glory Even to the Godhead
Sept 10th 1884
Newton took me to Logan in the Evening distance of the day 16 M
[FIGURE] while in smithfield upon this visit I bought of Joseph Hill
of Smithfield 10 1/3 Acres of Land for Newton lying a little
south of the town for $250. I pay $175 in cash & Newton
turns out 2 cows & other property to pay the remainder $75.
I sent Newton $50 on the 15 sept.
~ Thursday
Sept 11. In company with M Thatcher & A H Gibson of
Washington D. C. we went down Logan River fishing
Br Squairs was also with us He cought 4 trout 1.4 lb
1.2 lb 1.1 lb. I caught 2 Br Thatcher None 8 miles
~ Friday
12 In company with M Thatcher & 2 sons I went up
Logan Canyon to try fishing we had wors luck than
down the River we did not go up for far Enough I caught
ownly 1 Herring & a small boy 2 trout Br Thatcher none 8 miles
~ Saturday
13 A plesant Morning I took cars & rode to S L City 96 Miles
~ Sunday
14 Sunday I went to the office & received 8 letters from
A K Udall 2 A M Teney, Jesse N. Smith, J McAllisterJ. G. Bleak & David P. Woodruff it was a hard rainy
day I attended Meeting at 2 oclok E. F. Sheets Prayed.
John W Taylor spoke 65 M, and gave a vary interesting
discourse. I attended meeting in the 14 ward in the Evening
and heard a vary interesting discuurs from G Q
Cannon 65 Minuts upon the Agency of man and the power within
himself to ascend to the hightest glory Even to the Godhead
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," September 11, 1884 - September 15, 1884, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,