Asking Big Questions: How Can I Find Jesus Christ in My Studies?

by Aubrey Barzee

Big Questions

While every page of scripture testifies of Jesus Christ, actually having a Christ-centered study can be hard at times. With so many  responsibilities competing for our time, we might just read a few verses without getting much personal meaning out of them and feel satisfied that we’ve checked off “read the scriptures” for our day. Sometimes we may even find ourselves getting so caught up in deeper history or unnecessary questions that we completely miss the mark. Studying can be simple—it should fill us with the Spirit and a desire to become more like our Savior.

Preserving a Prophet's Words

by Maddie Christensen

Volunteer Spotlights

“I know how important it is for all of us to be able to read the words of Latter-day prophets,” says Susannah Jensen, a volunteer for the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation. “I loved the idea of being able to be a part of an organization that helped people do that.”

“A Mighty Change”

by Craig Lindquist

Come, Follow Me

“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3). Those majestic words spoken by Jesus Christ have stood as a beacon on a hill for Saints of God ever since they were spoken. Christ was not speaking of a passive, vague kind of faith, but He spoke of having an actual knowledge burned into our souls of a living Father who loves His children infinitely and perfectly—and then living according to that knowledge forever.

How to Find Comfort through Our Trials

by Scott Hansen

Come, Follow Me

Emeritus General Authority Seventy Larry R. Lawrence once shared the story of a young college student who lost his brother, his job, and his girlfriend all in the same month. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, this student decided to recommit his life to living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“He Worketh in Me to Do According to His Will”

by Michelle Pack

Come, Follow Me

On April 22, 1860, Wilford Woodruff spoke in the Tabernacle. He began his discourse by saying, “I always feel much pleasure in addressing a congregation of Saints when I am inspired by the Holy Ghost, for then I can be of benefit to those who hear. . . .

Giving Time, Gaining Testimony

by Lyndie Jackson

Volunteer Spotlights

“It’s amazing the experiences Wilford Woodruff had and the Spirit I can feel just by reading his journals,” said Michelle Pack, a volunteer on the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project. She continued, “I have enjoyed having that Spirit with me.”

“He Labors with Us”

by Lyndie Jackson

Come, Follow Me

In the allegory of the olive tree, Jacob reminds us that as we labor in the Lord’s vineyard, the Savior works with us: “And it came to pass that the servants did go and labor with their mights; and the Lord of the vineyard labored also with them” (Jacob 5:72).

Asking Big Questions: How Can I Prepare for General Conference?

by Shauna Horne

Big Questions

General conference is a time for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to hear from the beloved prophet and apostles. Conference weekend is always spiritually uplifting, but preparing beforehand is essential if we want to get the most out of the messages we hear.

Conquering Spiritual Blindness

by Aubrey Barzee

Come, Follow Me

I’ve always had poor eyesight. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to wake up in the morning and just be able to see my surroundings clearly! Fortunately, we have tools like glasses and contact lenses to bring me clarity and focus when I physically can’t do that myself. Sometimes, we may be affected by spiritual blindness too. It can be easy to become caught up in things that don’t really matter and lose sight of what is most important.

"He Shall Rise … with Healing in His Wings”

by Scott Hansen

Come, Follow Me

Each year, the coming of spring connotes a time of rebirth. Snow melts, plants grow, and flowers bloom. It’s no coincidence that we celebrate the rebirth of our Savior during the spring.