“Come and Partake of the Fruit”

by Shauna Horne

Come, Follow Me

The Come, Follow Me manual for this week says, “Even if you have studied Lehi’s vision many times, this time think about it the way Lehi did—think of someone you love.” 

"I Will Go and Do: The Principle of Obedience"

by Kristi Favro

Come, Follow Me

Wilford Woodruff taught many lessons through his words and example about being obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. He once shared, “I have been blessed at times with certain gifts and graces, certain revelations and ministrations; but with them all I have never found anything that I could place more dependence upon than the still small voice of the Holy Ghost.”

"Book of Mormon Introduction"

by Craig Lindquist

Come, Follow Me

We have spent these past weeks immersed in the birth, life, and teachings of Jesus Christ. We love Him. We worship Him. We are immensely grateful for the gifts He has given us. Of these gifts, Phillips Brooks wrote, “How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given. So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of his heaven.” This is the pattern of God’s gifts to us; they do indeed come quietly, without fanfare, often not even recognized.


“Stand in Holy Places”

by Lyndie Jackson

Come, Follow Me

As the year comes to a close, I have been reflecting on my resolve this year to avoid focusing on the things of this world, symbolically portrayed in some cases as ancient Babylon.

Speaking of Babylon, John gave us this counsel: “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4). Coming out of Babylon has been described in modern times as being in the world but not of the world.

"Good Tidings of Great Joy"

by Rob Swanson

Come, Follow Me

On Christmas Day, 1865, Wilford Woodruff noted the following in his journal: “25 Christmass I spent the day at home & took supper then went to the Theater in the Evening."

This small and plain entry is very similar to other Christmas day entries throughout the 1860s. When first reading entries such as the one above, I was confused by how a man who loved and served Christ with all his heart could write so little on one of the holiest of days in the Christian calendar. Yet, as I read and reread the simple entries throughout the 1860s, a thought struck me. This simple entry, as well as its fellows scattered throughout Wilford Woodruff’s journals, contains a simple sermon that is profound and beautiful. His small entry reminded me of the importance of family during the Christmas season.

Volunteer Spotlight: Brad Sawyer

by Maddie Christensen

Volunteer Spotlights

“As I’ve studied and read some of the things that the Project is involved in, I’ve come to realize that Wilford Woodruff is not only a great American historian, but also has kept wonderful journals about Church history, temple endowment development, and his relationship with the prophet Joseph,” shares Brad Sawyer, Development Committee Chair on the Board of Directors of the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation.

“The Blood of the Lamb”

by Craig Lindquist

Come, Follow Me

Sitting on my bunk as a young marine, I decided to take a look at the Book of Mormon my mother had sent me. I honestly gave it my best, but try as I might, I could hardly understand a word of what I was reading. I soon gave up and set the book aside, not to touch it again for a number of years. When I did, I continued to read for days, looking for what I had been unable to understand before. Yet all of it now flowed so easily into my soul. The difference was the Spirit and my own readiness.

“I Did Not Feel the Cold”

by Maddie Christensen

“On the 31st of Dec I with my Brother Azmon Woodruff . . . went forward in baptism.”1

Sam Day, professional artist and illustrator, was commissioned to create a work of art detailing Wilford Woodruff’s baptism for the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation Conference, “Building Latter-day Faith.” Having been an artist for over forty-five years, Sam has extensive experience in painting spiritual topics and portraits.

Before this commission, the only known painting of Wilford Woodruff’s baptism was of a beautiful spring day. However, Wilford was baptized on December 31, 1833, in upstate New York, where over three feet of snow blanketed the ground at the time—unlike the scenario depicted in the earlier spring painting.